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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Two actually, CGI. Degeneration and Executor 4D (half hour short story). Degeneration has it's share of problems, but hardly crap.
  2. SH was an almost 1:1 adaptation, or so I heard.
  3. Half of FO 3's plot was glued together from FO 1-2, so I guess Beth owes me at least one free copy of FO 3.
  4. Exactly. Technically Halo: Combat Evolved too.
  5. I'm fairly sure I played one.. Oh yeah, Diablo 2.
  6. Judging by the "they loaded up a different save, much later in the game" previews, I'd say yes. Or Obs brought several PCs/consoles to the presentation(s).
  7. So, you guys still arguing about which jerk has the right to be a jerk to the other jerk?
  8. So who's the chained guy?
  9. Hey hey, I never understood why a lot of famous movies were hated until I saw them with their original dub (Revenge of the Sith for example), and those weren't made by the best dubbing studio (GitS OTOH was), so don't be dissin' one of the few things this ****ty country does right!
  10. Hun Dub was so awesome, the TV Channel that aired it was pestered to do it again, NOW.
  11. Question out of nowhere: Were there AutoDocs in FO 3?
  12. So it was Bill Gates holding the camera? Who knows? 61 terrible video game T-shirts. There are a few good ones IMO. Iron Man IV: Russian Revenge
  13. Reinstalled Thief: Deadly Shadows. I love and hate tha game at the same time so much. (Mostly love tho.)
  14. Several, if Joseph Bullock isn't pulling our collective forumite leg.
  15. Thrawn? I facepalm'd at many of his displayes of "intellect".
  16. This. I'm still waiting for a game where you can set up Xanatos Gambits or the like.
  17. You mean the KanadierCanadian joke?
  18. Oh yeah, forgot that.
  19. The Man from Earth was pretty good too. Also, where's the love for GitS 1?
  20. I didn't knew the term "zerging" Reminds me of Starcraft. Duh. My favorite is Crackling: Zergling with Adrenal Glands.
  21. He's just stating what everyone already knows(or should know, in the case of publishers). And the second half is rubbish.
  22. I don't particularly care about the ME 2 gunplay comparisons. ME 2 is the second game in it's series, AP is the first. ME 1 had cover based shooting, and it was ****ty as hell, the sooner you ignored cover the better off you were. Even then, combat in ME boiled down to using your weapon skill (marksman and friends) then hold the Shoot button down. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. There were much better cover systems before it too, like Gears of War or Killswitch (2003!), yet ME's managed to be crap anyway. So if anyone wants to compare ME and AP combat, they can stick it someplace. Good preview btw.
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