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Everything posted by Oner

  1. When did the definition of 'gamer' change from 'someone who plays games' to 'someone who complains about everything'?
  2. It's after the fourth mission, before the hubs open..
  3. Russian plumber doesn't understand why people stare.
  4. I would've preferred the surprise intact, but no biggie.
  5. Chill pal, that's only the first act they spoiled. (And common knowledge unfortunately.)
  6. A picture with the characters staring at each other and Meanwhile in Dragonball would be better imo.
  7. AP uses checkpoints, though I don't remember the details. Ah, here it is: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...st&p=972793
  8. http://www.destructoid.com/rumor-ninja-the...-5-170861.phtml
  9. I think humanity is well prepared for the undead. Is it? They could come anytime... http://www.cracked.com/search/search.php?s...ch&q=zombie
  10. From the creators of Penumbra.
  11. Dutch women are hotties. The only good thing about Belgium is comics. And Outcast.
  12. I liked the Military Base in FO 2. "Oooh, a military base" says I. Then I enter the location and see what? Abandoned tents around a military facility, and a crapload of wolves. Humor wasn't dominant but hardly fringe. Hell, a lot of people completed the game with two Mad Max references.
  13. Good/bad karma, you pushed the button/Lyons pushed the button. Maybe there was a "you walked away" ending too.That's it, no settlement slideshows.
  14. Here is a link, since Will didn't bother to share. Homepage seems to be down.'Sides, I was suppossed to tell the news dammit!
  15. You didn't link a pic of Honda.
  16. Lend me your copy of FO 3 please, mine didn't have cool stuff like that.
  17. Mario Crossover Basically Mario, but you can play with Samus, Mega Man, Billy (Contra), Simon (Castlevania), and a few others.
  18. http://www.sharenator.com/Europe_Vs_America/ http://encyclopediadramatica.com/File:Europe.png http://encyclopediadramatica.com/File:Europe_mapx.png http://encyclopediadramatica.com/File:Realeurope.gif There's at least one I'm not finding. :/
  19. The person in the link mentions that that won't be a problem.
  20. That too, but the length of that arm is suspicious too. BTW, Fallout dice would be cool. The one with the atomic mark, with movie countdown numbers and/or that indian head.
  21. I've got a new wallpaper (happens once every year, savor the moment mr/s concept artist). The arm of this guy seems a bit off.
  22. http://www.destructoid.com/contest-win-a-s...h--172123.phtml Hmm, should I spoil the answer?
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