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Everything posted by Oner

  1. You can be one, Shepard must become them, in order to defeat them. Or something along those lines. Bioware deisgn meeting, Ray Muzyka: -So let's see: In the prologue the collector base will be turned into a huge reaper torso, and Shepard must search the galaxy for the 4 reaper limbs and bring them together so he can become a reaper himself. Then in the endgame he's a huge Reaper-Shepard and you have to kill the other reapers while using planets as cover instead of chest-high-walls. BRILLIANT!
  2. Gonna go try out Forsaken World http://www.gametrailers.com/game/forsaken-world/12794 Anyone wanna join?
  3. Rejoice, they announced a Chaos Space Marine game too! Because apparently spiked powered armor requires different rules than standard ones. Yes indeed. *starts walking away, stops, suddenly turns back* Oh hey guys, I'm back! Did ya miss me? ,o/
  4. Contestant for worst name ever?
  5. Don't you mean...WITH A SPOON?!
  6. Sorry ladies. http://9gag.com/gag/52571/ http://9gag.com/gag/52715/
  7. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...-Black-Ops-Kill
  8. "Interesting" armor mechanics, tho I wonder what the purpose is, boss fights will still be against 500 hp magi as always.
  9. Putting it in her sheet, what else?
  10. Natural Selection 2 video showing off the horrible balancing /troll
  11. Nah, it's a sauce. And sauces aren't ARR PEE GEEs.
  12. GRPG? German ARR PEE GEE, a la Gothic.
  13. News at 11, console piracy exists too, etc.
  14. Classless too. The lack of psykers disappoints me.
  15. I signed up on THQ's newsletter just so I know when this game comes out. And they never told me. Hmpf.
  16. What's there to ponder? DO IIIIT!
  17. http://9gag.com/gag/49991/
  18. what in Nine Hells is that? Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, IIRC.
  19. Bioshock Infinity was a new IP too.
  20. In no particular order, shape or form: Deus Ex Outcast (my counter to Shadow of the Colossus, in yo face!) Freespace 2 Freelancer Aquanox 2 Assassin's Creed 2 Unreal Tournament VtM: Bloodlines Starcraft I-II Gothic 1-2 PoP: Sands of Time Republic Commando Fallou 1-2-NV DotA Devil May Cry 3-4 Lineage 2 (yeah, grind MMO and all that, but the people I played it with made it extremely fun) Jedi Outcas KotOR II Planescape: Torment Icewind Dale BG 1 (and likely 2 when I finally get around to it) Half-Life 1, OpFor, 2 ep 1-2 Giants: Citizen Kabuto Soul Reaver 2-Defiance Kingpin GTA 2-San Andreas Hostile Waters: Anteaus Rising MDK 2 Woodruff and he Schnibble of Azimuth Space Quest 1 Quest for Glory 1 Disciples 2 Descent 3 Unreal Thief 1-3 (never got to play 2, sadly) Oni Batman: Arkham Asylum Rune ST:V: Elite Force Enchantasy Doom 1-2 Haegemonia Max Payne 2 ME 2 Mechwarrior 4 Ever17 You Have To Burn The Rope Robot Unicorn Attack MGS 1-2 MotB Painkiller DoW: Winter Assault-Dark Crusade Master of the Wind That's about it...I think.
  21. After 10 or so years I've re-watched Bill and Ted's Bogus Adventure. Should've done it a lot sooner.
  22. Funcroc is actually Lain.
  23. They're not stupid! They're called dum-dums!
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