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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Obviously, it fooled you perfectly.
  2. Would be nice if the fourth playable character were a doppelganger, like the one in Chrono Trigger. Would you agree? There, not hard to decode at all.
  3. How Halo: Reach should have ended
  4. ? Oh Obs, you shouldn't have...
  5. I heard you can only do that as a rogue. Dunno if it's true however.
  6. Watched Machete. One word: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHahaha
  7. I always made custom humans with creative. Hurray for 52 death stars with stellar converters! \o/
  8. Wasn't there a similar tactical mode in Crysis 1? Not that I remember, unless you mean something different. The tactical mode in C2 highlights ammunition boxes and let's you target bad guys so that you can keep track on them. You could tag baddies in Crysis too with your binoculars.
  9. Behold the gunslinger girl: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusiv...on-siege/712096
  10. Master Oner, searcheth the general RPG forum, albeit festooned with holy symbols and anointed with protective unguents lest ye catch the palsy of rabid spleen that afflicteth the dam-ned in that place. Amen. In that forum you shall see the thread I describe, it is clearly labelled, in blood and the innermost parts of exotic beasts, for what it is. I can do no more lest I open an unholy portal which I cannot control. Thanketh you, Ritual-master-in-law Monte. I hopeth rabbit **** be a proper replacementh for the goat milk reagent in the protective ointment.
  11. Show us a shortcut brother Monte, one cannot search the Codex lightly, lest it devour us on our journey.
  12. Yep, he's unkillable there.
  13. Kirby's epic yarn ..Yarn is one of the stupidest english words EVER.
  14. could it have anything to do with Crysis 2 coming out? I hink it's because I saw the game (Maximum Edition) at bargain price and the words 'WORTH IT' started hovering before my eyes.Plus I have a new (or maybe less old?) comp and am still testing it's limits.
  15. THI-4-F? this doesn't even make sense... 4 usually stands for "A" Don't you know? True art is incomprehensible.
  16. Crysis + Warhead, not sure why.
  17. I just wached FM too. Great minds think alike.
  18. http://www.goblinscomic.com/a-short-story/
  19. To practice my engrish.
  20. Two scientists walk in to a bar. The first scientist says to the bartender, "I'll have H2O". The second scientist says, "I'll have H2O too". They get their drinks and drink them. The second scientist dies.
  21. 52 stellar converters, OPEN FIRE!
  22. What you "think" does not matter. We are talking cold, hard facts here. r00fles
  23. Charlie Sheen's Winning Recipes
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