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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Haha, I'll keep that in mind thanks.
  2. Do elaborate.
  3. I can always craft a Vozhd with a big throne in it and use it as a mecha with animalism.
  4. Hmm, true. You got me there I guess. D:
  5. Yeah but you can get ~3 points from one servant. You give one blood point, wait a bit, drink 3. And you only need to do hat once a month.
  6. Redline - first 8 minutes I came. Buckets.
  7. Built in cheats disable achievements in SC2.
  8. Face the NPC. Stand ****ing still. Press ctrl+forward. PROFIT.
  9. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/258...f74-d2o23wb.jpg
  10. Dissidia: Final Fantasy I guess.
  11. http://lolsnaps.com/upload_images/real/1123.jpg
  12. You can suck 3 points from one guy but they need only one point to stay ghouled, where's the problem?
  13. DCU character customization
  14. Poor Vol, either he has no friends and/or they never lend him anything. :c
  15. Technically that's what we're doing now. In practice, not so much. Well okay, we did play one session to the end, but that was because of a party wipe. ..Sort of. I got fired from the inquisition (the character couldn't have been happier), the paladin I inquisited got executed, and his sorceress companion left the country. Oops.
  16. Developers could always use the Chronicles of Riddick method.
  17. Yeah we have a lot of campaigns that never get finished 'cause he wants more variety by running two simultaneously. And by simultaneously I mean playing one, never continuing the other.
  18. It is the awesum ****. \m/
  19. More like 2 months.
  20. We had a campaign like that too, but the GM lost interest after the Dark Ages.
  21. I'm not gonna be powerful enough to make one, so don't worry Walsh, England is safe for now. I found a nice place on google maps. Cannon Hill Common, that'll be good. Rats wouldn't be enough for the beast anyway, but I got the food covered.
  22. Thanks for the help. I usually play Tzimisce, so I know most of the stuff you mentioned (the Vozhd crafting is a combined discipline of 6-6 points Vicissitude and Animalism). Guess it was too long since last I played, 'cause what you said sounds familiar. It'll be modern day, and I'm going to be a mafia "plastic" surgeon. Generation won't be so high (9-10) so no Vozhd-like huge things unfortunately.
  23. Apparently Halo's important innovations were in the multiplayer.
  24. Aw, thanks anyway.
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