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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I'd just like to remind everyone that.. *erm* Today be tha Intarrrnational Talk Like a Pirate Day! Leave tha' landlubbers on their dirt me hearties, grab yer cutlasses 'n' parrots 'n' let us go plunderin', or by Davy Jones' beard, I'll have ye walk tha plank!
  2. TBH I think even in the worst case scenario, their carving/curiosity would overwrite the bad press and NV would be a huge monetary success.
  3. I heard the World of Darkness MMO will be unveiled in 5 days, maybe our very own Harlequin can confirm?
  4. 1.1 patch details
  5. Funny how everyone is a "****ing weeboo" if they dare like the jap VA better! Retarded little ****s.
  6. Bobby 'Walletsoul' Kotick wants to sell you cutscenes in 5 years.
  7. The guy takes the out of his pocket for a second. You wouldn't know it's special if someone didn't tell you, and a Vegas themed guy possessing is nothing surprising. He doesn't say "we wanted this" while staring at it. For all we know* it's just his lucky charm. *Assuming we wouldn't already know, of course.
  8. Don't mention it.
  9. You can see who shoots you and it's revealed that the package is important (no ****). The package's content is actually spoiled in the comment complaining about the spoilers, which is hilarious.
  10. NwN started it, but KotOR "perfected" the formula.
  11. You still messed up.
  12. Operation Acoustic Kitty? That was so crazy it was awesome, I'm not gonna badmouth it.
  13. Meh, we see just as ludicrous (if less expensive to do) stuff IRL.
  14. Guild Wars 2 PAX human presentation Guild Wars 2 PAX charr presentation
  15. You should've left ancient out, but np otherwise.
  16. I don't think this is really an accurate summary of AP's story, to be honest.
  17. If you buy the PC version I'm sure we'll see mods with normal skill checks in a couple of days. Amen to that.
  18. The reason is simple, yet ironic. DMC games sell mostly outside of Japan, so Capcom decided to concentrate on the western fanbase. They tried to raise the appeal by giving the game a "western touch" (There was a reason why I used that expression in my previous post), somehow not noticing that it's the crazy jap touch that makes DMC DMC. http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/8680/mynameisdante.jpg
  19. I guess he meant the DLC.
  20. Not destroyed, haha, just reduced to 2-3 guys. Out of country reinforcements don't count.
  21. How did an entire planets location become "lost" in the first place?
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