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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Or about your power level.
  2. Halo: Reach
  3. So you agree with one disagree-er and one agree-er?
  4. I disagree with both of you. I agree with one of them.
  5. Watch HD and Husky videos on youtube.
  6. I can't read it yet. :/
  7. Yeah, but instead of trying to keep the population happy, you decide which class of masses you execute!
  8. That's a luxury in the age of carry-over save games. You don't want to replay with the exact same character just because you missed some tiny details, do you? Hy, I'm The Lazy One. ,o/
  9. I have an affinity towards the Tzimisce mindset. Which I guess means I'm prime Hitler material. While you're here, can you recommend any places in/around London where one could have a mansion in relative solitude?
  10. http://www.pidjin.net/2010/10/04/shark-the-jump/
  11. Soo.. My RP group decided it's time for some variety, so we'll play some Vampire after a year or so. Yours truly will be playing a Tzimisce and during brainstorming I had an idea: What if I turned my haven into a makeshift Genius Loci? Have some eye motif carvings above windows, which would hide real eyes, all connected to a poor creature that would essentially be the walls of my room (and some arms hidden behind curtains, in case some moron tries to attack me). One thought followed another and I realized, I'm not sure how fleshcrafted creatures exactly work. Would a monster like that survive without food? Would it survive on my blood alone? Does it even need it's intestines? Input would be much appreciated.
  12. Hilarious. Awesome.
  13. Diego? Isn't he the one on the left?
  14. The Warrior's Way I ****ing lol'd. Ninjas vs cowboys.
  15. Guild Wars 2 on the subject of loot
  16. No one except Calax and me will get this, but: Don't let guys in red with spears near that hotel.
  17. What else would you do with xander roots and broc flowers? Craft them into drugs? What kind of quest would that be? Eat them? Pleeeaase.
  18. The '50s hairstyles would look like **** in any engine. It's just not possible to make them bearable.
  19. You ...you mean I'm fired? ._. "Munk
  20. Ehrm, this is Extra Credits. Extra Punctuation is Yahtzee's written thing.
  21. It's not VB without the Awesomest Ending Ever (on paper anyway) - the nukular bombing of people who didn't deserve it.
  22. Art Direction dev diary
  23. Everything's better with Parkour.
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