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Everything posted by Oner

  1. He had consensual sex with his girlfriend! The dumb ****! Where is humanity going to end up if things like this continue to happen!
  2. All I can see is the game is more colorful with post-processing switched off.
  3. Video Game Voters Network
  4. Let's see if Guile's theme goes with it.
  5. Never say no to Panda
  6. Wohoo, booze time for Obsidianites II! Also, stoned party, hehe.
  7. Metroid: Other M
  8. Genes.
  9. BTW AP came out in Europe first and US later.
  10. Bah, you clearly haven't read Gunnerkrigg Court yet. Emphasis on yet.
  11. "Hm, the guy's hungry, better eat. *2 mins pass* And now he's sleepy, great. *sleeps 8 hours* Hungry again? Oh **** you!" Yeah, getting hungry every two hours would've been sooo much fun.
  12. After 8(?) in-game hours a green food icon showed up, you ate some food, then it disappeared.
  13. There's still no excuse for people to not comprehend the "rules" of shooting after they can't hit the 10th guy with spray 'n' pray. Adaptability? Whuzzat?
  14. http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Sex_Cards
  15. http://g4tv.com/videos/48105/Fallout-New-V...iew/?quality=hd
  16. I have to hand it to Angry Joe, the first minute of his review highlights the problem with pistols unmistakably.
  17. Never heard of them... what did they do? You could buy older games in a bit updated (win compatibility, higher resolution) form, and I think they did some debugging too, not sure tho.
  18. Me boy Serrano needs some propa' pirate lingo tranni...trina...training 'n' what kinda skipper would I be now if I didn't help 'im? Avast! http://talklikeapirate.com/howto.html
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