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Everything posted by Oner

  1. They're not stupid! They're called dum-dums!
  2. Is it all the fluoride the government puts in it? And chlorine and good ol' arsenic. Plus some other stuff.
  3. Tap water isn't as hydrating as it should be either, BTW.
  4. Would someone explain to me how this could have happened?
  5. It was about rpg players, not hc gamers, IIRC.
  6. Female characters having big tities?
  7. Torso damage, you die. Leg damage, you crawl. Arm damage, your aim worsens. Head = you die faster.And they streamlined that? I could finish the demo no problem when I was like ~11. If others really found it overwhelming... *cough* I don't see how that's elitism.
  8. http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/upload/...11/haggard.jpeg Definitely contains offensive language. And spelling errors.
  9. Mhm, another kiting simulator. Hurray for ARR PEE GEES.
  10. I don't derive enjoyment from playing hide and seek with vendor trash.
  11. Poor Maria.
  12. You shaddap and go back to whipping yourself, or Claudia will be mad!
  13. First 5 minutes of Dwarven Noble origin > Deep Roads > Rest of DA At least the DR wasn't trying to pretend it's not a crappy Diablo clone.
  14. Friggin' hilarious.
  15. Fixed.
  16. Huh? What about that TPS he's making? Shadow of the Damned or whatever. And his earlier studio? BS alarm calls BS.
  17. According to Josh that's how the Romans pronounced it. Or something like that.
  18. That's just tells us he knows how to market features. Or that his long term memory is bad.
  19. Pete Hines(?) used it in an E3 walkthrough for FO3 and it caught on.
  20. K
  21. PLANTING! It's called PLANTING!Erase that horrible term from mankind's collective memory for chrissakes! RRRRRAAAAAGE
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