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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Planning on trying out MW:Living Legends later today. Anyone else who's playing it maybe?
  2. Yeah, those greedy ****ing **** toning down the violence of the previous games for more mo-http://www.microsoft.com/games/pc/dungeonsiege.aspx OH HEY
  3. Guild Wars 2's newest profession: The Commando!
  4. Brrr, don't remind me.
  5. It's supposed to mean "It's the symbol opposite of the number, dimwit!" in ubisofitan.
  6. So if DS3 ever gets a movie adaptation, are you planning on getting Zuzana Drabinova to play Anjali?
  7. The screenshots say "Those who did this are not among the living any more." "They're going to gut, skin and hang you." "What a beautiful day for battle! Fear not my lord, we are outside the reach of their crossbows." respectively, in case anyone was wondering.
  8. No, I meant Kai ...Allain? Or whatever. I've read The Hunters (the Task Force Serpent story), but not it's sequels (library doesn't have them) and the Blood of Kerensky trilogy. Love how Stackpole has every other character ~"spread his arms, as if trying to hug the entire room" or ~"put his arms together as if praying". It's like the Bioware DRAMATIC POINTING animation in novel format.
  9. RAM-iel gets it in the climax?
  10. Hehe. ...That was bad.
  11. Remember where I'm from? Hint: not Turkey.
  12. They were sent by play testers apparently. Not sure how hat's supposed to work.
  13. Been reading some Battletech lately. Hunters and the clan invasion trilogy (can't remember the proper name atm), to be precise. Great books, like 'em a lot. Except the part where a guy comes up with a fake name inspired by - you guessed it, ****in' Shakespeare. Because there haven' been any noteworthy poets/writers/etc in the last ~1500 years. Then he goes and calls radars primitive tech. Ungh.
  14. Can't decide wether to mock this or feel respect for the man who had the balls to design this.
  15. Just give us more colors. Pretty please.
  16. Something similar actually exists... err, existed.http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stechhelm And there was worse out there.
  17. My favs the Azunite and the Archon.
  18. I see! I SEE! I SEEEEE IIIT!!
  19. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...agon-Age-2-Song
  20. Oh please, DA has emo elves constantly fawning over their long-lost glory. *yawn*
  21. Captain Balu http://imagerz.com/QEFGC0tvAwMEBVhFEQVR
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