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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. I remember this game asking me arcane questions about audio during installation... I'll probably be replaying it again soon. This games from around 2000 are tons better than all the snot that comes out nowadays. Severance combat should've been a standard in action RPGs, yet the game went by largely unnocited. Oh, and the Amazon rules.
  2. So... is the magic really powerful in the game compared to the melee combat? Is it slow to develop?
  3. As a mage, it's the reverse... the game is only tough at lower levels. At high levels everything save liches gets one-shotted after throwing a custom-made weakness & damage spells.
  4. That pic is begging for a witty caption.
  5. So even after killing some rats the characters are covered in blood?! In the world of Dragon Age I bet even swatting a fly would result in a pint of blood on your hand? It's like BioWare is daring people not to take the game seriously.
  6. Only "a bit"? They have massacred the setting adding non-sensical stuff here and there! Didn't people used to say that about Fallout 2 with the talking Deathclaw and what not?
  7. Funny how Sergeant RL-3 is probably the best written character in the game. Love his jingoistic taunts.
  8. Are those agonizingly long cutscenes in jRPGs skippable? If not, they surely destroy the stereotype of the console kiddies with short attention spans.
  9. 12% unemployment in LA, huh? Brussels, capital of Europe & seat of the wonderful NATO & European Commission, has 20%.
  10. It seemed more like a Dungeon Siege 3 trailer to me. I didn't even recognize most of the characters save Sten. The characters are all going Legolas in the trailer but I doubt whether in the actual game they will be able to jump over a pebble. EDIT: grammar
  11. Link doesn't seem to work for me, but I guess that's a good thing.
  12. I think it's mostly because they were used in civilian environments - subways, Super Duper Mart, factories etc. hence their lasers aren't really set to kill but merely cause some burns.
  13. Don't all games use the same model for women? I'm planning to play as a mage. It better be as overpowered as in Gothic 3, but take equally as long to develop. Summoning demons - hell yes!
  14. I like the Sentry bots & Mister Gutsy's. With these around patrolling the wasteland, I can believe there's not much 'wildlife' left.
  15. Dueling / dual weapon feats are not for ranged weapons. The feats you need to take instead are "close combat".
  16. Imo DA needs something suitably dark & gritty Heavy Metal FAKK2 theme
  17. I liked how Blade of Darkness had its own "Origin" (*snickers*) stories for each character. That was a nice touch. I believe I played & finished the game with the Amazon.
  18. I've had a random encouter on level 1 involving a raider with a Fat Man... suffice to say it was instant reload time.
  19. Well, as long as Specialist Olin is included...
  20. The game has been lying around here unused for about a week, but I am planning to play as a Mage first time through. I'm looking forward to the shape-shifting.
  21. Eh... surely not John Howe, the famous Tolkien illustrator?!
  22. Character creation is similar to Mass Effect's. Not many options... nudie patches & improved body models will have to wait until the creation kits are released. I was hoping to make green Elves like in Oblivion, but I doubt that will be possible.
  23. The ending is why you install Broken Steel. Then again, I was okay with the ending the first time. I was level 20, and had explored the entire map + finished all quests, there was no more reason to continue running around shooting things.
  24. As far as female sidekicks go, I'd say no one beats Sophia Hapgood from Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis. Or maybe Nicole Collard from Broken Sword.
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