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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. German beer sucks. You get drunk sooner from a pale of rain water.
  2. It should get there eventually. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=94503461
  3. Venetica was great. Half a miracle that was made in crappy OGRE.
  4. I've just been going on about how great Mars: War Logs is. It's on the 360 for $10. Try the demo first though. Mars: War Logs, like all the Spiders games I've played, is a fairly good game that could have been really special but didn't come close to living up to its potential. It has some good ideas, but it falls into a really tedious pattern of repetition and has some of the most atrocious dialogue and voice acting you will find anywhere this side of a Reality Pump game. Still, it's thoroughly worthwhile, especially considering the meager asking price. Dialogue and voice acting was completely redone by Kalypso some months after the game was out.
  5. Breaking Bad: a Medieval Tale This is the game Gop is working on, there should be more known about it.
  6. Finished Chapter 4 of Braggarts, will need to wait til the 24th for the final chapter. Already have >40 hours on this game, all these turn-based battles one after another really add up. Still, pity it isn't a full-fledged arrpeegee, I wouldn't mind a Drakensang 3 from Daedalic in the vein of Divinity Original Sin.
  7. There's only one ending.
  8. Forgot Finland
  9. I've had intermittent issues with a retracted right eardrum for years.
  10. That sucks, they were the only cool Marvel superheroes. EDIT: oh wait, new Guardians of the Galaxy any good? Those guys were cool too.
  11. In before "I'd let them pacify my region".
  12. Day of the Tentacle!! Not sure why they killed my fps
  13. Braggarts is GoTY until Bound by Flame is out.
  14. Where have the original Fantastic Four gone?
  15. The torture part with Mors is the most badass moment in any videogame, ever. Also a brilliant twist with the other character. Plus magnificent bastard of a villain. But the game has two huge plot holes that GoT nerds could probably explain away. There's nothing wrong with the combat, either. Unarmoured or light armoured mooks basically die in one sword hit, as they should. And against medium/heavy armoured enemies you use knockdown/stunning abilities. Like Tropes vs Orks combat is easy when you master the synergy between the two characters.
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