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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Après nous le déluge.
  2. I ran that game on a S3 Trio. Good times.
  3. They are rather fast in the game.
  4. Kids are alright, just leave them to the nanny.
  5. Was there a Muslim diaspora from Texas in the past?
  6. Where's my gelatinous cube.
  7. Should've been called Thundertits. Pretty cool fight there at the end.
  8. They'd just troll people by giving it to Gearbox or something.
  9. - "I used to be a lone wanderer like you, then I took a plasma shot in the knee." - [iNTELLIGENCE] So you took a plasma shot in the knee?
  10. I'll try it as soon as it's f2p, but I don't think it will beat the twenty hours I got out of AoC and T.E.R.A.
  11. It's fake.
  12. But without Scarlet it was G.I. Joe IN NAME ONLY.
  13. In before buff chicks and Trojan horse. EDIT: ninja'ed
  14. Blame the Brits.
  15. I save/reloaded until feeblemind got through.
  16. She needed a good pic for her instagram. Social media will the end of humanity.
  17. Not really feeling it.
  18. Then again, what won't?
  19. I must've baked a million pies in Fable 3 to fill the treasury and save my kingdom.
  20. There'll be action with Galadriel.
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