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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. I'd only have problems with all those islands in the Caribbean and Pacific. Nauru is a sovereign state, for instance.
  2. The average European nowadays wouldn't do any better.
  3. They did a pretty decent job.
  4. Maybe I'll buy Memoria if it gets a good discount.
  5. Not really planning on buying anything, but who knows.
  6. I support Cornish independence.
  7. There was also Les Manley, a LSL ripoff.
  8. Was it made in Unity as well?
  9. I've long been of the opinion that the bulk of the Tales of the Sword Coast content is fun only to AD&D savants and masochists. To this day, I've still never gotten more than a level or two deep into Durlag's basement. Repeated "HaHa Deathtrap" gameplay is simply not how I like to spend my free time. Collect the WIS book and the magic scimitar from the tower, farm some XP to get to the BG2 import cap, and get the heck out of there. Doesn't a Demon Knight pop out of nowhere way in the beginning and throw around some fireballs, likely killing an unprepared party?
  10. Got a new Dreamfall Chapters update. Looks like Borderlands 2 characters remade in Unity engine.
  11. 劍雨 Best wuxia movie I've seen in years. Doctor Wu from Iron Man 3 was the main villain.
  12. One of my earliest ancestors was from Outremer. He had a strange knack for climbing buildings and diving down into a pile of hay.
  13. Assassination by means of gravitational singularity.
  14. Blackguards looks like a fun turn-based game, though.
  15. Even for a hamster?
  16. I'm surprised you can't one-hit-kill Dark Souls bosses with that humongous hammer posted on previous page.
  17. I was more interested in the survival horror game Reality Pump were working on, this pirate game is a project that Topware shoved onto them.
  18. Nearly done with Skyrim. According to Steam, that makes 500 hours spread over 3 characters. Lulz.
  19. 90% sure it will be better than Risen 2. It's made by Reality Pump, I'm 90% sure it will be garbage. Reality Pump > CD Projekt They're the turtle beating the hare.
  20. 必死剣鳥刺し One of the best modern movies set in Edo periodI've seen, excellent samurai duel at the end.
  21. 90% sure it will be better than Risen 2.
  22. ""VGNR [CAP] - ***? - LET- GRZ XJG XRS FWZZR GOS UIEG SII GZVZI || GRZ SAW XRS SAZZ XJG DZVB GRZ XUJIZ"" The writing is already better than Failout 3.
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