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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. The type of people who only play games for romances are precisely the group of people I would choose not to share a forum with. It's like casting a 'Summon Creepy BSN Hivemind' spell. who here is even talking about the Mass effect or Dragon age romance? Most people want a mature love story or romance. Even stuff like it was with Triss and Gerald in the Witcher would be enough. Not the sex card collecting cards but the relationship between Triss and Gerald Nope, you're all the same to me.
  2. I haven't the time to explain the benefits of Constitutional Monarchy right now, but when I do I shall scribble down a few words. Suffice it to say our Head of State isn't a pygmy like Francois Hollande, a chancer like Berlusconi or a student activist like Obama.
  3. Which is why they must be hunted down and expunged with fire and sword.
  4. Scathing wit is best. That and the occasional IP ban.
  5. The type of people who only play games for romances are precisely the group of people I would choose not to share a forum with. It's like casting a 'Summon Creepy BSN Hivemind' spell.
  6. The main use for high intelligence in BG2 is as an alternative hit point source to survive Mind Flayer attacks. The only reason to chug those potions that boost it to 18.
  7. Look carefully: there is a cartoon of a very non-Obsidian house diktat female in boob-plate. She is talking to an NPC with a broken heart over his head. This is clearly the crumb of hope the promancers have been waiting for. You may now wet yourselves.
  8. You win Passive / Aggressive forum n00b of the year award.
  9. Excuse me? You asked me if I had when you were point-scoring. LOL. * shakes head*
  10. Jesus would all the white-knighting forum cops give us all a break? We're talking about pretend romances in a computer game.
  11. But you just asserted that it wasn't a lot of work earlier.
  12. Yes, Gfted1's article in 'Practical Bag-Piping' is a classic in the biz.
  13. Writing romance dialogues means variables for *all* NPCs and permutations thereof - one for romance paths (there will be several) and one for non-romance. It's thousands of words. But then again, with all your writing experience you'd know that, right?
  14. Cyberbullying? LOL. Have I written and been published? Yup.
  15. Software development. Software development never changes. Hey, as long as it's as good as I think it's going to be I don't mind if it's a November / Christmas 2014 release. There's gonna be slippage (see above).
  16. To be fair, one of the complaints about romances in the past from those who aren't overly fond of them is that the NPC - if a romance is not pursued - loses reactivity; in essence for the character to be interesting the player must choose to romance them. The only way to 'fix' this problem is to make sure that the character is robust in dialogue and relationship with the PC regardless of the PC's feelings. Which means that we're talking about, in essence, creating two fully fleshed-out relationships for the PC-NPC (one that keeps the character interesting without a romance and one that gives a satisfactory romance storyline). That's not a trivial use of the writers time. no it isn't, but it doesn't take every ounce of a writer's sweat, blood and tears either - see the above post. And if you have a team of writers.... I've demolished this argument so many times it's not even funny, suffice it to say that romance dialogues take a **** load of time to write and implement. It only reinforces my impressions that Promancers are so desperate that they'll settle for some slap-dash fan-fic as long as it's got some emo lurve in it.
  17. Quantity has a quality all of it's own*. * Josef Stalin
  18. I'm going to but it to gift some non-believers and spread the lurve.
  19. Not my bag, but the BG:EE is in the Steam sale for pennies.
  20. Dave Gaider is a legend. I beat him up routinely, but his work on BG2 was superlative, and his support for Ascension was remarkable. Due respect is given, despite what transpired since.
  21. I can imagine Bioware trying to make an open-world / sandbox game. Dave Gaider: So the world is like really *really* open! Design Minion: Cool. DG: Yeah, like look at this area. It's called The Really Open Quest Area. DM: Cool, Dave. You're great. DG: I know. Anyhoo, you go to this area. You meet this elf, OK? And then there's a cutscene, you make out and have to fight to save, like, A PRINCESS! This is mature totally open gameplay. DM: Do you *have* to save the princess? DG: Well, yeah. DM: I though this was a sandbox type game. DG: It is. DM: How? DG: Well, you can make out with the princess or not make out with the princess! SANDBOX HUH???
  22. You need the new steam version: this will unlock all the other content, or should do.
  23. OK but with regards to your original question it's just pricing anomalies.
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