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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. You could do worse than a medieval FarCry IMO. All I want is for Bioware to be honest about the type of game they're making. They are the kings of misrepresentation when they try to be all things to all gamers. If DA3 is basically a souped-up action RPG with romances and lots of cut-scenes... why not just say so?
  2. Do you know, I was going to give this dude a C+ (which is rare) but now I think I'm going to go for a B. I'm getting soft in my dotage, and skilfully written trollage like this is rarer and rarer nowadays. Congrats, flaming-fist-in-capitals-dude. I salute you.
  3. Cheers Tim, Amazing update. Am struggling to think of a single thing in there that isn't awesome and am failing.
  4. What's wrong with the comic? Too much cut? I just linked it to make sure it's the same TFL, since this comic is the first time I heard of it. The comic is just too different from how I read the books. The Bloody Nine / Logen is a character you picture in a way that is unique to you, and that comic art ain't even close to my imagining of the guy.
  5. ^ I was *never* going to like the comic, Oner, sadly. But seeing as Abercrombie was a D&D player before he started writing fantasy, you can see how brilliant the characters would be. I also like the relatively low-magic grimdark setting, the Inquisitors and Practicals, the mercenaries and dandies. The Northmen would make a game all of their own.
  6. Let's stop all this slapping and feel the love.
  7. I'd like to play a First Law universe game. A lot. Think of the NPC types you could have!
  8. I like the combat movement animation on the fighter with the two-hander. He sort of trudges under all that armour. I liked DA:O's tactical view and I'm not a graphics hound, so if they upgrade and stick with that I'd be happy. But it's not going to be a day one purchase for me, will wait to see what fellow Bio-sceptics here say about it and sweep it up with a GotY type deal. This is the reason I never touched Da2 with a bargepole.
  9. Diablo 3 Pre-loading Rome TW2 Am giving CoH2 a bit of a break, have already had about 3 weeks off and am waiting for a few more balance tweaks. Find myself strangely interested in the BG2:EE but am wondering if it supports mods (PC version). Plus, does it include Throne of Bhaal?
  10. You are getting better and better, wise one.
  11. Jesus, I wish I had the skillz to play and enjoy Arma. But I don't, I have to enjoy it vicariously through you lot.
  12. Because French accents are associated with running away, gelatinous cheese, duplicity and small, unreliable motor cars. Only accents from This Blessed Plot can convince 'Muricans that there is a proper villain about.
  13. Love him as much as I do, he's been on ignore for at least three years now.
  14. Hmmm. We are in strange legal territory here. I'd err on the side of caution.
  15. I am far away from home, but when I get back Rome TW2 should be pre-loaded on Steam...
  16. Cute dinosaurs with flammable tails have been under-represented in video games for too long.
  17. Question 1: did you ever shoot an AR in full auto? Question 2: Do you know hte average number of spent bullets per confirmed kill ratio in the US army? Hmmm. Am on difficult ground here as (1) I've not payed Mass Effect and (2) am not convinced that CRPGs (as opposed to MilSims like Arma) need to have hyper-realistic firearms / weapons modelling. * But * I've fired a shed-load of small arms (and not-so-small-arms) on automatic. Yep, you don't hit much. Which leads me to Q2. Amount of rounds fired versus kills is utterly Point Not Found. Infantrymen try to win the firefight. This means saturating the enemy location with fire to keep his head down so you can advance / flank / bring support weapons to bear. As long as you win the firefight it matters not how many kills you get. In fact, if you put down 5,000 rounds of MG and rifle fire and kill nobody, but pin the enemy for long enough to kill him with fast air then it's a massive tick in the 'Win' column. I hope that makes sense. The only rounds fired / kill ratio that means squat in a military context are those fired by a sniper, a military specialism. 170 years from now I'd expect firearms still to fire slugs. Almost certainly caseless, maybe in the 6-7mm range and using weapons that utilize electricity and have relatively few moving parts. An Advanced Combat Rifle might well have a large capacity magazine of 100+ rounds with a wide choice of sub-munitions. I think that 'ray guns' and 'lasers' are many years on from that because your personal weapon is always made by the lowest bidder (qv Murphy's Laws of Combat).
  18. I always used those portraits of movie stars-done-BG2 style. Arnie with a cigar in plate armour. Seth Green as an elf. Etc. As the man said, as long as there is the option for custom ports then it's all good.
  19. I would pay money, like real folding stuff, to see a documentary of Sawyer wandering around Caesar's Palace. Especially when Cleopatra and her honour guard sashay past the $15 buffet on the hour.
  20. that's actually quite neat.
  21. Nobody should care that much about Day One DLC if it is clearly cosmetic baubles that enhance the base game. DA:O was pretty awful in this respect: NPCs and whole adventures? It just felt cheap. If that's not important to BiowarEA then fine. I think now Bio is in bed with EA we all know what to expect, which is cynical nickel-and-diming.
  22. I honestly thought I was going XboxOne... never imagined I'd go PS4 but I've pre-ordered. After Win 8 and the XBoxOne shenanigans I think M$ has jumped the shark.
  23. ^ Sure. But then again I'm not bothered by cutscenes and cinematics either. A beginning and end cutscene are OK for me but (a) I'm an old fart (b) I'm not really an overly-story reliant gamer. But who cares? 'tis almost September, and a young man's heart turns to Rome: TW2!
  24. Just slightly O/T but my problem with Bioware dialogue isn't so much the dialogue itself but the trend towards fully voiced characters. I don't know about you lot, but when I read I like to... read. I'm an adult. I don't need a bloody voiceover. Furthermore, I like to think *I* know how the character sounds. Having a voice dumped on me for forty-plus hours (if I don't like that voice, for example Alistair in DA:O) is an imposition. OTOH I could listen to Claudia Black read the telephone directory and be happy, but I digress. BG2 style, i.e. the voices being used as a sort of coda for the character, was about right. A verbal signature. But bejaysus the full cinematic VO ruins the written word for me.
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