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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Who would have guessed that Lawyers behave like snakes in their offices too?
  2. You spelled SEAL Team 6, wrong. Morgoth's gonna Morgoth.
  3. You need to brush up on your gender recognition skillz.
  4. Here is Kato, the web's best purveyor of Steampunk erotica... * sigh *
  5. Cheers H, will give it a spin.
  6. I've got a map Agiel made for me. It's a .pdf but I want to position it in a Word document. Can't do it unless I buy a full version of Adobe was wondering if Foxit would let me do it for free.
  7. Sorry to be dense, but in the basic Foxit can I cut and paste a .pdf image into a Word doc?
  8. This must be the ultimate in romance fiction. http://jezebel.com/dinosaur-erotica-exists-and-its-just-as-amazing-as-you-1438081697
  9. What a load of bollocks. Suits? I would have thought it aspirational never to want to wear one. I have a Gerber, some duct tape, a baseball bat for home defence, a Le Creuset cast-iron skillet, a wine-cellar that would make Napoleon blush and an epic collection of artisan p0rn. Oh, and a passport with GDR stamp circa 1989 on it. And a Zippo. Don't forget the Zippo. I'm a Londoner, I've got a car that is covered in dents (and is one of the reasons I need duct-tape) and no sane person would ever steal it. Basically, I am a rampant hetero-tiger alpha male and the person who authored that list is a Metrosexual ****.
  10. She's very posh in R/L unlike her northern accent in GoT. Caledonian? Pfffft. The Picts and Celts don't have a monopoly on red hair.
  11. Dawn of the Dead (2004) with Ving Rhames. Horribly good fun. Glad I recorded it, even Mrs. Monte enjoyed it.
  12. The lithe naked Zulu chicks were awesome. Seeing as you all seem to have a thing for red-heads on this forum I give you the lovely (and, yes, English) Miss Rose Leslie from Game of Thrones...
  13. My question is 'will it be less crap than most Bioware games?'
  14. You can't sell a freaking chicken? Where do you live, North Korea? Even on the outskirts of London you can buy a chicken from a farmer.
  15. I think Wals should write the "Stock Cube Survival Guide to Batchelor Cooking." Sponsored by Acme Stock Cubes
  16. You are Bear Grylls and I claim my ten electrum pieces.
  17. Why Russians need tankski? Their warriors tough. Tankski for girlymen.
  18. Were it based, even remotely, on a game like Traveller then probably. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traveller_%28role-playing_game%29 Character generation mini-game madness FTW. Cool things about Traveller from the Wikipedia article linked... Key features derived from literary sources are also key features baked into the Traveller game in all its forms: The background of the OTU features a human-dominated universe. As such, the core rules primarily focus on development of human characters touching only briefly on a few non-human species. Despite the dominance of humanity, a large number of aliens was always implied to exist, inside and outside of Charted Space. There are numerous Traveller publications with rules and extensive information on playing aliens. Interstellar travel Interstellar travel is facilitated, and limited, by the use of a technology called the jump drive. These drives are capable of propelling a spacecraft between one to six parsecs depending on the individual drive's specifications. Regardless of the distance of a jump, the duration required for the trip is approximately one week. Limited communication A central theme to Traveller is that there is no form of faster-than-light information transfer – meaning no ansible, subspace radio or hyper-wave communication technology is available, thereby recreating an "age of sail" feel to the game. Most interplanetary communication is handled by courier ships, most commonly "X-boats", which are small Imperial vessels with long-distance jump drives that travel between systems transmitting and receiving vital data. Systems not on an X-boat route must rely on mail runs brought in by visiting ships. Feudalism The limits on the speed of information means huge empires cannot directly command all member worlds. Since local rulers cannot be directly controlled by central authority, affairs are managed by independent nobility, who make use of classic titles such as Baron, Duke and Archduke. Non-utopian future and No Prime Directive The human race never evolves into a superior state. People remain people and continue to show courage, wisdom, honesty and justice, along with cowardice, deceit, and criminal behavior. Planets fight out internal wars, and capitalism is the major driving force of civilization. The same factors that shaped Earth shape the Traveller universe.
  19. Listen and learn, but do not feel guilt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2mmTDT6W7E
  20. Not just water, Wals. The dioralyte is the hangover cure your doctor will never tell you about. It encourages consequence-free drinking.
  21. Yesterday I went on an all-dayer with some old friends and drank too much. As in eleven pints too much. Came home and drank a cup of tea, two brufen and a pint of water with dioralyte (secret rehydration weapon). I woke up seven hours later feeling quite perky. Then as a bonus I found a pork pie in my jacket pocket (haven't a clue how it got there) which I ate for breakfast. I now feel utterly ready for whatever the day throws at me. In fact *looks at watch* I could murder a pint.
  22. ^ What they all said. If you want a pistol for self-defence that is a piece of piss to operate, is safe and reliable I keep coming back to Glocks. I think I called them the Five-series BMW of the handgun world. People obsess over performance and the fractional difference between match-grade ammo 'A' versus match-grade ammo 'B' but if all you really need to worry about is a ten metre sense-of-direction shot that will take down the other guy then a Glock-17 (chambered however you like) is a pretty good choice. I consistently achieved impressive groupings at 25 metres on the 17, something I struggled with using SiG and Browning Hi-Power (don't like the Browning much). Mind you, I am left-handed.
  23. As soon as that smug thirteen-year old with the spectacles appeared and started telling me that I'd be happy if I were grateful all the time, I switched it off. Funnily enough, I still feel quite happy.
  24. A .22? They all say that. Admit it, you use it for close work. For everything else you've got that tricked-out AR15 and a Dakota Longbow for when you need to put a bit of distance between you and your mark.
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