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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I hope Sega buy them as part of their new JRPG emo-crap RPG division.
  2. Cheeky little RTS elements. I like. You're such a flirt, Sawyer.
  3. WTF? Jet-skis and sharks? Seriously? I'm going to download it right now. It sounds like the gaming equivalent of Sex Panther. I knew asking on here was the right thing to do.
  4. I liked Crysis 1 and, sure, I loved FO:NV. I wasn't after a RPG though, my time is pretty limited right now and I was after a game I could play for an hour here and there and enjoy the pretty colours and tricked-out assault weaponry. Without being rail-roaded. I'd only heard good things about Far Cry as a series.
  5. Hello. I would like to try a sand-boxy FPS of some description. I liked Borderlands 2 but would prefer something contemporary. Not bothered about multi-player as Stephen Hawking would pwn me. What's the FarCry series like? Thanks in advance.
  6. Woldan you're a soldier and suffering is part of every soldiers life..this is what makes you strong !!! Corporal always said "any **** can be uncomfortable."
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/app/259800 I can say, as someone who has no reflexive loathing of DLC, that this is cheap. Really, really cheap. UKĀ£1.99 for blood effects? Stay classy, Sega!
  8. Hmmm. My Social Justice Warrior / White Knight / Keyboard Libtard radar is finely honed and Maria (if she doesn't mind me saying so) doesn't register. She might hold those opinions, but not in an annoying way and certainly not on the forum. I wish she'd hang around a bit more tbh. Obviously, she is free to correct me.
  9. Prosper's online behaviour, as far as I'm aware, amounts to little more than posting his graphics and games ideas.
  10. Can you run people over having falling asleep at the wheel or pick up hookers? Y'know, like a real trucker?
  11. Had about half an hour of Company of Heroes over the weekend. Am too busy R/L and now Rome TW2 is patched I want to give it a go. But. Not. Enough. Time.
  12. I'm usually loathe to question another gamer's idea of fun*, but what exactly is the appeal of driving around in a virtual truck? * Obviously not true
  13. Russia wonderful place because the chauvinism and lack of free speech. Join to dark side! We have beautyful totalitarian life. http://vimeo.com/61419295 The .alt / troll mask is slipping now.
  14. ^ Srsly, you shouldn't be using *good* brandy in ****tails, any more than you'd use decent champagne in 'champagne' ****tails. I'm sure there are lots of mixologists who would die in a ditch to disagree, but these are people who make a living marking up booze prices by 5000%
  15. Claret. Industrial quantities. Cognac. Occasional. Gin & Tonic. Ditto. Beer (girly lager atm). Just to get things started.
  16. Manifested, you've just put your finger on something truly terrifying. If we keep accusing Oby of trolling, and make fun of him, he might climb into his invincible Russian supertank and, like, head West.
  17. It's like you apologized with your fingers crossed behind your back.
  18. Go on, say sorry. That's classy.
  19. Dude, why have you transmogrified into such a tool over this?
  20. ^ Seconded, Side-Effects is very clever.
  21. Ha ha ha. Another hard day down the troll mines, Oby?
  22. KP has painted himself into a bit of a contrarian corner, equating some old extremist activity as being on par with 9/11 and Global Jihad.
  23. ^ A bit uncalled for, but whatever.
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