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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Although the OP wins my current #firstworldproblems crown, I am prepared to offer a possible solution. Do not let it be said I am anything but benevolent to people with ludicrously small dilemmas, but we are all gaemers together. 1. Make a character that is the most aesthetically pleasing. You'll be looking at him / her / twitter objection a long time. 2. This game allows you to make some seriously low-micro, low-maintenance characters. Create a high intelligence and perception fighter. Not only is this a strong class, but those stats will give you great dialogue choices. 3. Adventure and make a party that mixes some of the interesting NPCs and some home-made characters (you can swap them in or out) of the sort you might have otherwise made. 4. Enjoy.
  2. Hmmm I like both. Saying that I'm playing a DPS barbarian and a hopelessly outclassed light-fighter paladin. Both are broken in their own way, something apparently it's impossible to do. The PoE meta makes a mockery of the 'no wrong decisions' design philosophy.
  3. Try playing zoomed in. I do this, but about half the time the spell effects make it difficult. Don't get me wrong, the spell effects look great on my rig, but the combat still looks very chaotic zoomed right in.
  4. The OP is clearly an irrepressible munchkin, but apart from that he is on the right track. Munchkinism is a noble calling, and utterly necessary in stress-testing the mechanics.
  5. By level 12, and with rings, Aloth had 48 level 1 spells available per fight. I'm not sure what I'd have had to fight, or at what difficulty, to actually use that many spells in a single encounter Depending on the difficulty level, one of those ****ing forest lurker bastards.
  6. Er, we're on a forum dedicated to an old-skool homage CRPG. We're already deep in that territory, baby.
  7. Not only is the OP making a valid complaint, but there are lots of great solutions offered too.
  8. Ciphers and Chanters are odd, quirky, home-brewed and too-kool-for-skool classes that had to be favoured above the classes of yore. The old classes are from The Times Before and are dejenerative. Probably. Fighters had to be optimal to throw my previous point off-balance and defy expectations (although the less-than-mighty fighter screams Birkenstocks and Northern Californian Volvo driver lojick). Druids always sucked, so had to be given the odd facial hair and craft-beer treatment too. Post-modern CRPGs, eh?
  9. What spoilers? Paul Blart: Forum Cop detected.
  10. @ dirigible. I don't believe you. It is clearly enjoyable and thus contrary to core design philosophy.
  11. I enjoyed your review. It was fair and I agree with much of it, and thanks for sharing.
  12. Trying to stop 'degenerative gameplay' in a stats-based system is like to stop water running through your fingers. I'm sure Obsidian will try to Mcguyver this amusing quirk out of existence, lest someone is found to be enjoying themselves.
  13. At least we can spend a few minutes splitting up a stack of six ales and six pies into twelve quick item slots. Tedious? Hah! That there is true fun. Come sit next to me. I think we'll get along just fine.
  14. Incorrect. PoE is perfectly balanced. The Sawyerbot has eliminated DEJENERATIF GAEMPLAYE!!!
  15. You mean Pathfinder, right? Pathfinder, what a snooze fest & more of a powergamers paradise than 3rd edition. It's all about 2nd edition, you know: where I didn't need a ****ing feat to side step. Imagination works well, I mean that's what the whole thing is about ... right? LOL. Really. L.O.L.
  16. Somebody used comic sans in this thread. Can a moderator please deal with this as a matter of urgency?
  18. We'll see if they plan on nickel-and-diming when we see size of said expansion and the size of the one KS backers already paid for.
  19. All of these male ports look like boy band members. Let's have some realistic, gnarly, manly-men, not metrosexual hair-gel models.
  20. The strawman army marches on. Sheesh.
  21. ^ this game needs a level 15 cap.
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