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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. wtf, russian planes now attacked Belarus.
  2. Man, they sure love their mirror universe branche timeline stuff, huh?
  3. Personally I never liked Q. Hated the whole idea of some impossible supernatural guy being able to boss you around at any time. It's like internet trolls but you can't get away with just closing the browser.
  4. Yeah, but it's so boring. I'll do it in certain situations ofc, but places like Siofra River with the magic bow 100% hit-chance penetrators are just so tedious.
  5. For me this seems to be the only thing that makes sense right now. The other areas that I'm aware of are still too high-level and I'm not feeling motivated to senselessly grind somewhere else at this point. : > Personally I'd rather do Dragonbarrow first, because I need that 2nd medallion piece to be able to use the grand lift ... Need that to get to Mt. Gelmir for the Bloodhound Knight armor set ... this is my true goal in this game. : x
  6. Meh, it's not dealing as much damage and in the end it never helps me in those situations. Finished off Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. One of the easier fights, but the first phase was annoying as hell. Luckily only had to repeat it 3 or 4 times ... Running around in the Siofra River Well now. Beat up two more bosses there and now I'll need to figure out where to go next. Think I'm going to pump some points into INT, because I noticed one of the shields I have needs it ... so might as well do that for some low-level magic as well.
  7. What I mean is that russia is still drafting "volunteers" from the border regions.
  8. They are still drafting conscripts in Donesk, etc. and send them to fight.
  9. I'm 100% pure melee and a group of these people are a real threat to me. Just one needs to hit me, then all the missiles will stunlock me in place and eat my hp. It's really demotivating. Luckily I'm done with the academy now...
  10. You should have seen the magic arrow thingies already. There is at least one location where it's even worse, tho. I ended up just running past everything while chugging potions. Maybe I should branch out into magic ... I've heard it is like an easy-mode ... but I really don't want to throw my next 5 levels into INT ...
  11. Do all these shows take place in the same desert town set?
  12. For me this is the 2nd armor set I've found in the game world. First one was the Juvenile Scholar Set just like 2 hours before. Have to say, they feel really randomly placed .. would have never expected to find them where I did. That said, I'm really hating the locations where enemies are spamming me with laser missiles. Also the mechanical soldiers are a huge pain in the ass, because they never just hit me once ... one wrong step and they eat 3/4 of my hp and I'm just stun locked. Same deal as with these stupid hands ...
  13. Funny, I just got myself the Carian Knight Set as well. Only took me ~35 hours to finally switch my Vagabond Knight starting armor.
  14. Man, those stupid hand mobs in Elden Ring are stomping the crap out of me. One of the most annoying critters so far. Can't really dodge them and if they start attacking they just don't stop. Ugh.
  15. I'm not so sure about that anymore. If the maintenance of their most important military assets is anything to go by, most of their nuclear missiles probably don't even work anymore. If I remember right, the arsenal needs to be replaced every 10 years.
  16. Nice, I thought they didn't want to talk about Star Trek anymore. I'd rather watch their videos about it than the actual tv show.
  17. For some reason Elden Ring reminds me *a lot* of Berserk. The whole atmosphere and everything. I can't even get myself to not use a huge sword, even though I never liked huge swords in DS games.
  18. I have seen videos of civilians getting shredded to bits ....
  19. So there's lots of reports now of russians killing and raping civilians. Coincidentally also just saw a video of an old couple getting shredded by an autocannon. That's some vile ****, man. I think the "innocent russian soldier"-trope has worn off by now.
  20. I do agree that the west is also very much to blame for this conflict, but as said before... if living under russian rule wouldn't be such a crap deal, more people might consider it. If russia would be able to fix itself and be more trustworthy, the bordering countries might not try so hard to get away from them...
  21. Hmm, I just had an idea regarding old german territories ...
  22. Grinded to level 44 now in Elden Ring. Only because I wanted one of those frog helmets, but the damn guy just isn't dropping any. Multiple shields, weapons, clothes, but not the god damn helmet. If there is one thing I'm really bleh about in Elden Ring it's that you don't really find armor sets in the world anymore. Stuff is now dropped by mobs at random.
  23. I still remember the one scene in s1 where Picard is standing in his office and out of nowhere comes a wild camera shot of his old clock with 110% lens flares etc. For me, this is exactly what this show is. Totally random and lots of lens flares that nobody asked for.
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