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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Wanted to watch Rising Arizona as well, but sadly it's not available in english on Amazon Prime. Big sad.
  2. I want to like the game, because I like wild and wired west scenarios, but whenever I watch videos of it, the 1 character and control scheme turn me off so hard. Don't really want to spend 40 bucks on such a gamble.
  3. But russia said they have air superiority now or something like that. : >
  4. I mean, a couple helicopters isn't necessarily a "functional air force"
  5. Same. Even if I won't like the game, I need more classic Star Trek.
  6. The 7 busses story from above doesn't really add up. I suck at explaining it, so as usual, I'll just link to the thoughts of someone else:
  7. Next week the last episode airs with german subs. Waiting for that to happen, then I'll binge the ending.
  8. Yeah, I already had such issues with Bloodborne. Played it to around 3/4 and then had to take a break of a few months. Then later came back to do the rest. Seems Elden Ring will be a similar experience for me. Also the endgame balance now is starting to become really wack. Especially many of the new bosses will kill me with 2 hits. Without the ashes as temporary bait, I probably would have serious issues.
  9. At this point you can't believe anything that is being said by russia. Even the current peace talks are just a farce to win more time, so they can assemble yet another batch of expendable soldiers.
  10. Sometimes less is more. Now imagine if they are slapping DLC on Elden Ring ... then it gets even worse.
  11. At this point I'm feeling like it's almost too big. Based on Steam, I have played for 70 hours already, and based on walkthroughs, I haven't even visited the last "real" area yet. A part of me wants to be done with it soon.. : x
  12. Watched first 2 episodes of Sword Art Online s2 and ... god, it gets so cringe. First season worked, because they were trapped in the virtual world, but now they aren't anymore, yet the people act as if what they are doing is serious business and a matter of life and death. It feels very far-fetched. At this point I'm not sure if I will keep watching it.
  13. So I thought I was pretty far in Elden Ring, now I found out there is a huge cavern system underneath the normal world ...... First it was just a big cave with stars on the ceiling, but then I came to another place and then another place and then another place... There's probably so many tiny rooms that I missed because you just can't check everything at once.
  14. There had been rumors about dementia for a few years already. It explains quite a lot about his latest film choices, tbh. Sucks, especially since he isn't even that old yet.
  15. You may not like it, but this is what peak military performance looks like.
  16. So much to the ruble payments https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russia-will-not-demand-immediate-switch-gas-payments-roubles-kremlin-2022-03-30/
  17. No clue, I haven't used the heater since winter 2021 and even then it was only for a week or so.
  18. She really loves her brother. But later it turns out they actually aren't really brother and sister, so it's alright, amirite?
  19. Finished s1 of Sword Art Online. Generally it was ok, but the whole mom and dad thing was super cringe. Especially considering those kids are supposed to be 16 and 17. Also that "I love my brother"-part is yikes. Wouldn't have hurt to not have this stuff.
  20. Probably mainly due to the gas buying, who knows.
  21. Don't know yet, though. Russia also said they wouldn't invade and here we are now.
  22. So I finally gave in and tried Sword Art Online. It's a bit ... ehh, but at the same time still kinda catchy, so I kept watching it. Will likely continue for now (I'm already 10 or so episodes in and started yesterday ...)
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