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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Well, the good thing about games is that you can stop them at any time and return to them whenever.
  2. Yes, but then they should not call it "New Vegas 2" in public, as that is just misleading.
  3. Damn, I forgot how much of the movie is made by the music. I've listened to Red Elvises a lot back then. Never liked the later stuff, though.
  4. Truth told, I really don't want inXile to make a Fallout game. That said, Fallout "New Vegas 2" from anyone else but Obsidian would just be a crappy attempt to cash in on the hype around it. Either Obsidian makes a new Fallout game, or they can just **** off with that idea for all I care.
  5. One of my fav movies from back in the day. Great soundtrack too.
  6. Loading times in Witcher 1 killed the game for me.
  7. Trailer says 9 episodes. I can't see this as season "3" -- they clearly split season 2 into two parts for some reason (development time?).
  8. I mean, everyone at the time always talked about reactivity. And for what it's worth, Witcher 2 delivered hard. I'm not aware of other games right now which drastically change so much based on player choices.. mid-game. The whole 3rd act (town?) is basically a different game.
  9. Whatever happens tomorrow likely won't change anything. However, would be funny if their doomsday plane accidentally drops its payload on the parade.
  10. I fail to see how my mentioned points relate to poland in any way.
  11. I really had to force myself through Witcher 3. Can't really remember the details, but there was a couple months break inbetween as well and then I just rushed the main quest when I came back. The first dlc was really nice, though. Liked it a lot more than the main game. The second dlc.. truth told, I probably only played 30 minutes of it and I haven't touched it since. Oh right, I just remembered 2 main issues I have with Witcher 3: 1. The minimap design is terrible. I don't remember anything of the landscape, because my eyes were glued to following the dots on the minimap. I was unable to force myself to not look at the minimap all the time. And without minimap I never knew where I was or where I was supposed to go. 2. The visuals are too noisy. There is too much happening on the screen at all times, which for some reason made me unable to focus and actually "see" anything. This is really hard to describe for me, because I never had this experience before in a game. It's like... you see a lot, but at the same time see nothing at all. Really weird. This plays also into 1, where I kept looking at the minimap, because it was simply easier for my eyes.
  12. How is it a hot take when it's true. Witcher 2 sure has its problems, like the mediocre combat system, but everything else in the game is pretty much peak-witcher. In Witcher 3, the huge, empty, open world gets in the way all the time.
  13. Out of boredom I continued with The Rookie. Turns out the second half of the first season is a lot better. Season 2 wasn't bad either. I wondered why season 3 had much worse ratings than s1 and 2 until I started watching it .... yup, they got woke and I guess many people were pissed off about it. Season 3 deals a lot with racism, bad white cop, ethics, etc. etc. I'd say the general quality isn't much different to s2, so yeah, very likely rated down by some folks who felt insulted. Anyways ... still have a few episodes left, so we'll see how it ends.
  14. I'm assuming ukraine tried to prevent war tourists from getting killed. Would look pretty bad if hundreds of volunteers started dying. However, there's also lots of critical voices about the Wali guy. Apparently he is more words than actions or whatever, I have no idea, didn't really dived into this.
  15. Yeah, tbh people being "required" to use that stuff kinda shows that the game has some balance issues.
  16. Actually they kept many of the old glitches in the game. Andariel for example is still bugged.
  17. Why would you play with multiple accounts tho? D2R has much better character / inventory management, so splitting up items between characters isn't really necessary anymore.
  18. Well, there's also the time zone to put into consideration. And I only play a little bit here and there. The thought of grinding up everything again just feels so off-putting to me.
  19. Yes but it requires to start a new character and it's hours of grind to get into high level range where all the cool stuff drops. Easier to just wait it out till the ladder is over and the items get sold on marketplaces. That said, the old ladder-only items and rune words were already available in regular D2R now. I think the only stuff locked behind the ladder now is whatever they added new (the new rune words I guess).
  20. Nah, multiplayer stuff stays in multiplayer. At least I'm not aware of a way to get your stuff into singleplayer. I'm playing in multiplayer, though, because then I still have the option of trading with other players if necessary.
  21. I'm playing this character since D2R was released. Not gonna do any ladder stuff, though, that's way too much grind for no gain, imo.
  22. I'm doing a casual countess, andariel, diablo run every evening since a while. Just one run and then stop. The rarity of certain items annoys me to no end and I just can't be arsed to farm more, especially since leveling up at 90+ takes an ungodly amount of time. It's crazy how much the difficulty depends on the gear, though. I remember when I first went into Hell, it was a huge pain and everything was wrecking me in seconds. Now I'm breezing through everything and only a few mobs in act 5 / Baal are still able to hurt me. /Edit: The real pain is that I can't wear my valkyrie helmet anymore, because harlequin crest is so much better ... if it just wouldn't look so ugly.
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