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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Yes, I agree. That's also why I'm rolling my eyes whenever someone complaints about it. However, at current state I'm guessing this conflict will still take a while, so might as well start training them.
  2. "because it “wouldn’t be appropriate”" lol. Also, yes, that toddler thing is disgusting. Stumbled over it by accident, because it was running over various twitter feeds. Hope they get this guy and bomb him to hell or more.
  3. So you're saying I should actually watch Ergo Proxy? Tried first episode once, but it felt so ehh.
  4. Subverting expectations? Or just garbage writing? Who knows.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/06/russian-teacher-shocked-as-she-faces-jail-over-anti-war-speech-pupils-taped Pretty depressing read, tbh.
  6. I thought they tried doing that with their political puppet, but because the election scam didn't work... here we are now.
  7. The government is already talking about some sort of "9€/month for 3 month" train ticket, which tells me that something really crappy is probably going to happen. Usually our government tries to avoid spending money on us. I think the next year will be interesting.
  8. I loved the scene where Raylan drops a bullet on a guy on the ground and tells him that "next time the bullet will be faster."
  9. Can't really say much of that, I'm not reading german news a lot. Of course there are people who yell "stop russian gas/oil now!" etc. but they don't seem to realize what will happen if we'd just cut off the pipelines now (personally I think this would be catastrophic and might give a rise to pro-putin and the usual right wingers again). It's probably all too early to tell anyways, because most people aren't feeling the economic shift yet. Maybe things will look a lot different in 3 or 4 months. The way I see it, most people are on the side of ukraine. Interestingly, suddenly everyone feels like european brothers. Not really sure what exactly caused this, though, because I could swear anti-eu sentiment was quite strong before ("why do we have to pay for those poor, mismanaged countries?!" etc stuff like that). tl;dr -- I have no idea. But right now I think the worst is yet to come.
  10. Well, that's what was talked about already before. This whole ukraine nazi thing is just hogwash of course. This is all about access to resources, which is also why russia will do everything it can to keep crimea and surrounding areas. Unless a miracle happens and ukraine can push russia out of these areas (unlikely for now), this will keep going for a long, long time.
  11. Justified was great, though. Kinda thought of rewatching it again since a couple weeks. Last time I started it, it was still holding up very well .. the only reason I didn't watch it till the end then was because it got dropped from the streaming service and I would have to pay crapton of money for each season. : x Knowing my luck, the moment I start spending money on it, it's going to hit Amazon Prime and will be available for free. /Edit: Finished Dexter: New Blood yesterday. I think it was well done, and it ended how I expected. Apparently lots of people were pissed off again, but personally I think it was the right decision.
  12. That's why you shouldn't have started watching it to begin with! Continued with Dexter: New Blood yesterday. I'm in episode 5 or 6 now. There's been some cringe moments now, but it's still good.
  13. I can't even run the game smooth in normal. Can't imagine the hardware you need to run it in VR.
  14. BLASTS God, I hate it when the media is using words like that in their headlines.
  15. Oh no, season 1 of My Dress-Up Darling is already done.
  16. Works for me. Funny how many times "nazi" is being mentioned. If you drink everytime they write the word "nazi" or a derivative of it, you'll die of alcohol poison once you're at the end of the article.
  17. Started watching Dexter: New Blood yesterday. At first I just wanted to check in a bit and see how it goes, then suddenly I was 3 episodes in. So far it is surprisingly good.
  18. I thought the ukraine people were digging the mass graves for the bodies on the streets, because russians couldn't be arsed.
  19. I thought part 2 is the final ... now there is a 3rd final final season? Jeez.
  20. As far as I understood it, the two fired generals weren't around anymore for a while already. So this is just to make it official.
  21. It's not just stories now, though. There's lots of photo evidence from areas where russia recently retreated. It's pretty bad.
  22. Lots of reports about executed civilians now. Also more stories of rape left and right. But I guess that's just ukraine propaganda or something something.
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