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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Finished s1 of Sword Art Online. Generally it was ok, but the whole mom and dad thing was super cringe. Especially considering those kids are supposed to be 16 and 17. Also that "I love my brother"-part is yikes. Wouldn't have hurt to not have this stuff.
  2. Probably mainly due to the gas buying, who knows.
  3. Don't know yet, though. Russia also said they wouldn't invade and here we are now.
  4. So I finally gave in and tried Sword Art Online. It's a bit ... ehh, but at the same time still kinda catchy, so I kept watching it. Will likely continue for now (I'm already 10 or so episodes in and started yesterday ...)
  5. Nuclear annihilation has been postponed for now. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-peskov-putin-nuclear-weapons-biden-1692753
  6. Dark Phoenix was really bad. I fell asleep again in the middle. Days of Future Past was better than I had expected, tbh. Rest of the movies I really can't remember.
  7. Had the same issue, but I assumed that happened because I didn't went the way the game wanted me to (visited other areas first, etc). I skipped that horse-guy until I was already level 60 or something.
  8. Could be, who knows. I'm not blaming or debase him. Apparently his wife has a medical condition that makes her hair fall out or whatever, that's why she has the buzz cut and why the GI Jane joke didn't really fire. So I can understand that.
  9. And (apparently, I didn't watch it) 15 minutes later he said he wants to be a vessel of love. : >
  10. So what's the point exactly? If I remember right, we never cheered them on. America got criticized a lot for their actions, still are today. Russia doesn't even acknowledge their crimes. Should we be ok with this war, because America did the same? What's the agenda?
  11. Watched the HL3 footage now. It's pretty bad and good material for the russian propaganda side. At the same time I find the reactions on russian side a bit hypocritical, considering they are the ones who can't stop blowing up civilians. Anyways ... Not much else to say. It's almost as if war is bad.
  12. Started playing it today, but oh boy did I overestimated the hardware of my pc. It's running on default medium settings, but still everything feels like my input is just smudging all over the place. Also doesn't really help that the hotkey layout feels all over the place and not made for pc at all.
  13. No, no, it is much better if it is mysterious.
  14. No clue what to make of the trailer. At first I thought of System Shock, then of Deus Ex, and then of Doom.
  15. Well, I'm not watching it. There's lots of other stuff more worthy of my time, even if it's just sitting on the couch and watching a white wall. That said, I started The Handmaid's Tale last week. Been through s1 and started s2 now. It's a tv show about Texas in 10 years (hehe). It's generally not bad, but has some quite unrealistic moments that pull me out of it a lot. Like, fertile women are super precious, but the government doesn't have a problem at all with sending them to "the colonies" where they will painfully die due to radiation exposure and stuff like that. Just doesn't really make sense to me. I kinda didn't want to keep watching it, because it does have a sense of mediocrity to it, but at the same time I keep going back to it to watch the next episode. My Texas joke above is of course hyperbole, but at the same time, many of the current regulations and laws that are being introduced by some american states right now do feel an awful lot like what's happening in the tv show.
  16. Or maybe we only hear about the ones that actually explode. Well, except for this one:
  17. R* is introducing "GTA+" to GTA Online. Basically paid subscription for a game where you have to spend a crapton of money already anyways. Would be really funny if it weren't so sad. https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/ak748a241k42kk/introducing-gta-for-gta-online
  18. Looks like another secret family got sanctioned. The attached twitter thread is also an interesting read: I just love how these people are constantly crapping on our evil western ways, all the while they all have properties and secret families tied up over here. Every single one of them is a damn hypocrite.
  19. Well, it's not the dub that I have issues with. It's how cringe half of every episode is.
  20. I mean ... he had enough time to back down and save face ... clearly he doesn't want to.
  21. Yeah. The other ships seems to be damaged as well.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XEqYRH-_n0 This "unsinkable" ship just got destroyed. Very likely thanks to this video, which is showing exactly where that ship is sitting and what they are doing. Hilarious how incompetent every single branch of the russian side is.
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