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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Don't think I like the Ukraine to join the EU (just yet). Not sure how you people feel about it, but personally I'm not really in the mood for a full-on non-proxy war between NATO and russia.
  2. There's rumors that russia is or was destroying fields on purpose. Not sure how much truth is in it, though.
  3. Sounds to me more like rich people trying to build a story to get out of this mess. : > I can't believe that Putin is supposed to be the sole owner of this idea. Usually it takes a few more people.
  4. Yes, they get drafted into the local defense forces.
  5. You just have to look at the russian population and how they stand economically, and then look at Putins palace in contrast. I don't think russia will get better unless this kinda stuff changes.
  6. This video is making the rounds right now. Just watched it and I think it's pretty good at explaining why russia is doing what they do and I think seeing it from this side, I even agree with russias perspective. However, as usual, the issue is ... complicated. We know that life under russian rulership isn't necessarily great. There's a crapton examples of that to be found.. so I totally get why people don't want this. Guess the tl;dr is ... if russia would stop being such a corrupt duck that only serves the very rich, the whole situation could look quite different now and *maybe* more people would like to join them instead of the NATO. I want to blame the west for this crap situation as well, because let's be honest, we love selling weapons and fire up conflicts wherever isn't our home, but ... again ... if russia would have been less of a duck, maybe the situation could look different? After all.. there is a reason why the ukraine population (and the other countries surrounding russia) don't want to join CSTO and look at NATO instead. It's a competition, and for me, imagining myself on the side of russia is economically simply not attractive enough.
  7. Some people are going to get very rich soon. Shame we don't have insider knowledge to get rich as well.
  8. He is winning right now, but I don't think he is stupid enough to expect to be able to win an attrition war against the endless waves of russian soldiers.
  9. Sure, it's going to f stuff up hard in the future. I'm already expecting increased energy prices. That said, the current events also affect me personally in at least 2 ways: First of course the money, because I will have to pay more for certain work to get done, and second, one of the people I am working with had to leave his home, but didn't manage to get out of the Ukraine and is now drafted into the defense forces. Don't know how it's going to continue from here, but everything sucks hard right now.
  10. meh, I'll give it 2 or so weeks until most will not be talking about it anymore. I can already see the feeds slowing down right now.
  11. That's exactly what I posted about, but people were like lalalala, blocking SWIFT will be PERFECT! Anyways. I'm kinda tired of all of this and I wouldn't mind going back to normal again. For all I care, we could forget about most of this if russia just pulls out now and leaves them alone.
  12. For most people on the internet this is just entertainment. Next week it'll be boring again and already forgotten. Then everyone waits for the new season set in a different setting / country. Honestly, reading reddit threads and seeing the comments in the live streams is pretty disgusting.
  13. They are recycling assets in every game. Personally I don't have a problem with that - don't fix what isn't broken, and remaking every asset for every game will drastically increase the production costs.
  14. They should mostly be people with military experience, which are needed.
  15. I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying that removing russia from SWIFT just strengthens their system and weakens ours. Comparing iran back then to russia now is not the same situation. There's way different powers involved.
  16. What I find interesting is how fast it is nowadays. 100 years ago, soldiers would be fighting at the borders, probably for days. Now, 10 hours after begin of the invasion, we see russian helicopters over kiev. We've seen similar already recently in the armenia conflict - the country defenses get disabled in hours. Yes, there are some "wins" right now, but that really doesn't mean anything yet. The wave of soldiers and ground forces has yet to come... It gives me a really odd feeling, because if there ever would be a conflict involving german territory again, it will be mere hours till hostile forces are in berlin.
  17. The way I understood it, cutting russia off of SWIFT is dangerous, as it will strengthen their own financial system that they are building up with china for some years already, and it will give them more incentive to disrupt the SWIFT system with cyber attacks.
  18. With those system requirements, I wonder if the game is simply not optimized well. From the visuals at least the game to me didn't look much different than their last title -- kinda doubt the open world would cause that much strain.
  19. God damnit, I did the same mistake again .. Netflix suggested me something, I clicked on it to check it out for later, then backed out of it again ... and now it's gone and I can't find it again. Netflix, NO, just because I don't watch it right away, doesn't mean I'm not interested in it!! ****ing hell.
  20. I liked how Uwe Boll made a joke about financing his movies with old german nazi gold in the Postal movie. Personally I think Postal is probably his best movie, because it's so dumb, you can't really do much wrong here. Also saw his Auschwitz movie at one point and it made me really angry, because of the way it's made .. can't really put it in words. I get what he was trying to do with showing the bleak and "realness" or whatever, but it just didn't worked and ended up feeling like some sort of concentration camp gore porn. It didn't even work on an art-level. It was just bad in every way.
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