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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Also russia is now on path to be a full nazi state. With all the propaganda and crap they are doing now -- I think it's dangerous to let them just keep going as if nothing happened. Here are some more thoughts that I found interesting:
  2. Thing is... what guarantees that russia won't just invade again in 5 years? Demilitarizing ukraine smells like a trap to me.
  3. What about the oil and gas they found? Does that all fall under crimea territory? If so, I doubt they are going to take the deal.
  4. Looks like mainstream media is slowly catching up to what we know for a while already.
  5. I thought DS3 was much easier. I almost completely breezed through the game. Was in shock when I suddenly saw the end scene. Never finished DS1. I thought some of the mechanics were too annoying and random. For example the bonfire upgrades pissed me off, because I never knew where it makes sense to use them. If someone asks me with what DS game to start ... honestly, I couldn't even answer. Personally I started with DS2 and liked it, played all the DLCs even. However, one thing is for sure ... if you start one (and like it), you're probably going to pump 60 to 100 hours into it.
  6. Looks like russia is bringing in new top of the line military hardware to the frontlines:
  7. lol that one sticker on the laptop says Geilenkirchen, which is a town at the very western border of germany. https://www.google.com/maps/place/52511+Geilenkirchen/@50.6911199,6.8916398,7z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c0a452466c9121:0x42760fc4a2a7b00!8m2!3d50.967168!4d6.1174584 (there is also a NATO base, so that much checks out) My guess is that this is some super old crap that wasn't used anymore, and it somehow made its way over there. Probably given to the ukraine military and then it somehow landed there, who knows.
  8. Why do you have 7 or 8 souls like games if you don't like playing them?
  9. I dunno. Usually the only way for me to figure out the story in their games is if I read it in a walkthrough / wiki article.
  10. Bit weird, but I wonder if Covid actually saved us. I'm pretty sure without it f'ing everything up, Trump would have easily been reelected. It doesn't need a genius to figure out what he would have done in this situation.
  11. What I find more interesting is that Putin doesn't seem to be in the same room as these air hostesses whom he explains the current situation right now .. for some reason.
  12. Apparently russia is thinking about making software piracy legal. Tells you how bad things are.
  13. I started as the knight guy. Rolling is extremely inefficient, which feels so wrong after grinding Bloodborne for 100s of hours and being able to jump out of the way of almost everything. Though I do seem to be getting a little more agile now. I remember that back in DS2/3 I constantly used the shield and barely dodged at all. In hindsight, I feel like the Bloodborne system ... does feel somewhat better. Also I'm really missing to regen some hitpoints when quickly attacking enemies after getting hit. Not sure yet what to think of the open world... it feels so extremely big and overwhelming. Half the time I'm just running through the landscape but can't really find anything of interest. In the games prior there was always something interesting around every corner. Now I'm just looting whatever plants I walk over and haven't really found anything fancy at all. Couldn't help myself and looked up some armors on the wiki. There's some stuff that looks super fancy and I need to get my hands on it. But outside of that ... I really want to play Bloodborne now.
  14. I completely forgot how much I suck in the beginning of every Souls game. What's funny is that I am barely using my shield... thanks to Bloodborne. Now I have to relearn the combat again, and once I switch back to Blooborne at some point, I'm going to completely suck again.
  15. Is it time to buy MREs? Preferable not some that have run out since 8 years.
  16. Don't have any of the reported stuttering in Elden Ring so far - runs pretty good actually, even though my pc is god knows how old. However, I think it's been a long time since my graphics card was running this hot.
  17. Well, it's not *that* bad. In good news, I bought Elden Ring today, so I'm going to shut off completely for at least a couple hours, maybe even the full weekend. And who knows, if I'm lucky, I might even see the end of it before we're burning in the nuclear holocaust. That said, it does bring up quite the old forgotten fear about Chernobyl back into the daylight. Of course I was too young at the time to realize any of what had happened, but my parents got stories to tell..
  18. Funny, I wasn't really sleeping well for a full week now. Every day is a bit of a mess and now I'm pretty much sleeping a few hours right after work, and then a few hours later in the night. And every time I wake up this feels so unreal, like none of this really happened. It also doesn't help that the last couple weeks were very stressful for me and already costing my sanity. Weird experience. Right now I'm just hoping that I'm opening the news feed and it says that russia pulled out of ukraine and all is like before again. Everyone is a big, happy family. Yay.
  19. Went ahead and bought Elden Ring for PC, because I am weak. First thing I saw was lots of graphic artifacts on the screen. Luckily that was fixed with updating my graphic drivers. Other than that... visually it looks great. Kinda makes me want to have Bloodborne with that paintjob on it. : x
  20. I want to buy Elden Ring, but I don't want to buy it on PC and I don't want to buy it on PS4 either. : x Also I'm scared of it eating countless hours of my time.
  21. Do you really think ukraine would want to give all the new found natural gas sources to russia? That suddenly makes the country a lot less attractive to our western rich boys, imo.
  22. Yeah, first season was good, then the problems they dealt with became "too big" and it just felt awkward. First season still dealt with smaller day-to-day issues and was much better because of that. Don't remember what I wrote about it in the past, but could be that it was one of my rants. : >
  23. I actually started rewatching it again a few days ago. Didn't really work that well anymore than it did on the first watch, because there's some very.. uh, overdramatic scenes and word-throwing-around that kinda loses its appeal once you went through it once. At least for me. I still like it, but had a harder time to sit through a full episode. /edit: Oh wait, it's about the anime, not the Netflix show. Confused the threads and never seen the cartoon version. : >
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