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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Will probably be out in europe today as well. Only PSN tomorrow. That's the latest rumor.
  2. You can play them all in whatever way you want to. They are all independent from each other.
  3. They probably made their own mc mod for this. Looks pretty cool.
  4. Just finished the Space Marines game. It was an ok-ish game. Good for a while, but if you play it for too long, it makes ye dumb. People said it's too short, but in fact, I wouldn't want it to be any longer. It's just not varied enough for more hours.
  5. Bleh. While I can understand the move, I still wish it would be hooked into the main games flow.
  6. Heh, I once tried to get negative karma in Fallout 3, so I can get Jericho as companion. It just didn't worked. Always when I've gained some negative karma, I got a shizzleload of positive karma again for killing random Raiders. In the end, the only more or less fast way to gain negative karma - as far as I could see - was to bomb Megaton... and then Jericho was dead too, of course.
  7. I am really wondering why he got an unique face, though. At least I can find out in like 3 days.
  8. I really hope that this is possible. I want to bomb away the shizzle.
  9. Character inspired by John Woo films is poster child of all action heroes. Also Max killing small army worth of enemies in previous 2 games should make it bit easier to accept. Rockstar + RAGE + Euphoria + Max Payne should be fun. Well, but he acts different in the trailer. It feels to me as if he changed from "fast, jump around the corner and kill dudes!" to "IN YOUR FACE I KEEL YOU WITH JUMPING OVER ALL STUFF, PUMPING SHOTGUNS!" The only thing that reminds me of Max Payne in the video is the music from the second game, with which they probably try to sell it to the fans. :> Not that I really care, though. Will probably not play it anyway, as I am not really interested.
  10. I never saw Max as an action hero so much as he shown in that trailer. Dunno. Don't really like what I saw so far.
  11. Keep in mind, that the Oblivion pr screenshots had been pimped up. Also the LOD in the distance is very ugly, wonder if that will be the case in Skyrim as well. So.. until I don't see Skyrim in motion on my own, I am not believing anything.
  12. Is it just me or is the camera in third person view still 100% strictly fixed behind your character? I always hated it that the camera view wasn't panning a bit when looking left or right. It just doesn't feel "free" to me, but stiff and ugly... and they are doing this since Morrowind.
  13. Playing some Space Marines in the moment. A fun game, but I can understand if people find the combat a bit tiresome after some time.
  14. Loved the crafting system in Arcanum. It was simple, easy to understand and the interface looked good (could have had a list-feature, though). The basic recipes had two objects which you could find pretty often, the better recipes used stuff you could craft earlier, the advanced stuff was crafted out of two things you have crafted before, etc. Felt pretty smooth to me and I love to craft myself tech gear in the game, even if - most of the time - I never use it by myself.
  15. I don't find the game much harder on Deus Ex level. You die faster, but to prevent this, you just have to remain more in cover.
  16. Not we, but the mainstream media. They have to drop their mantra.
  17. I find it funny how some people cry about Syndicate getting FPS'ed, but for Fallout it was ok. "Wuu wuu Syndicate gets raped, wuu wuu!" - "Well, but the same happened with Fallout too." - "But Fallout is different, it worked very good in first person!" Oh well.
  18. I wondered about this too. Especially about the stories from the book with his wife 'n stuff. I doubt they are so much in love that they get along just as is. :>
  19. Good, let the shizzle burn down to the ground. It can only become better after that.
  20. It's just strange that the game and the book have such a strange relationship. Wasn't the games story and the book written by the same author?
  21. Pretty easy. The hardest part is writing the dialogue for him.
  22. Nice. Now we just need all his explanation text. :> I really wish there would be a video around.
  23. I would never buy such a CE, because at some point there will be the question... "Where the hell should I store all this stuff in my house?"
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