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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Bought Kane and Lynch yesterday from Steam for 5 euro. My first impression: A mediocre console port, bleh.
  2. On PC? Open up the cheat console and spawn 1000 mugs at some funny place.
  3. Wasn't there already stories of banned steam accs because of this? That's why I am super careful with such stuff. Over the years I've got a pretty big steam games list...
  4. I find it annoying to get lost all the time in Hengsha and even with quest markers I got loste more often than I wanted to. Especially because I find the location map worthless most of the time. On my third playthrough I've slowly learned the setup of the location and manage it to go around without checking the map often. About the markers I don't like that they aren't working like in DX1. In the original, an object was highlighted when you pointed on it. In DX:HR you can only have them highlighted always or never (there have been complaints about it already prior to release. There was a community vote for what alternative option should be included into the game because of these complaints and yeah, the majority failed here because the majority obviously didn't remembered anymore how it was done in the original. Quite funny, almost like with Fallout 3---- so many fans of the originals from one moment to the next, but for *fans* they know surprisingly little about the original game). I don't like both (all off / all on), but if I have to chose, I let highlighting on for all.
  5. Well, you are running yourself a wolf if you disable them. It's not as easy to find something as it was in DX1.
  6. The video is overexaggerating a bit, though. :>
  7. Everyone who misses the metro tunnels should check out the New Vegas sewers. I prefer them anytime over the damn metro tunnel of Fo3.
  8. I just played Counter-Strike Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes for the very first time and... and I will never wonder again why it was deleted scenes. This is like a parody of all bad first person shooters and especially Counter-Strike. Pretty lol.
  9. I am playing the game now the third time but I am still not seeing any ingame real-life adverts. Either it's so well hidden that I just don't realize it or there is nothing in my game. Maybe it is only location based and because of whatever reason, not in germany? Looking at some screenshots from that early review with the big Eidos and McDonals adverts... never saw anything like that, except the Final Fantasy wallpapers, which aren't the variable adverts.
  10. I am all for moar content, but this doesn't really sound very impressive.
  11. On a sidenote: I've lowered the games brightness A LOT (actually, I moved the slider to the far left) and now the game looks much better, because this overbrightness is killed and the normal light sources in the maps are showing a much better visual effect when it's darker. Should have known this from the very beginning.
  12. I used EMP grenades and PEPS to stun the boss, then headshots with my fully modded revolver. :> Had to use a stim or two inbetween, but that wasn't a big deal either.
  13. You get it when you are in Hengsha for the second time. It's not a side quest, so you won't miss it. /Edit: Way too slow.
  14. Luckily, boss fights don't depend on your chosen augmentations. So if you suck in combat, it's not because of "the type of character" you want to "roleplay." I - by the way - found the boss battle to be far too easy.
  15. The money is the worst of it. I pretty much had never to care about money in the game. Not a single time. It's really like a cheat and I wish I could deactivate this... The weapons are ok. I find sniper rifles useless, so I don't use it and I don't like shotguns, so I don't use it as well. The grenade launcher with the additional mission is the only thing I would totally keep. :>
  16. Huh, I thought the (nearly) one million mark is a very good thing.
  17. I don't think AP should be compared to DX:HR, as the games are just too different and they don't even try to achieve the same goal.
  18. Heh, looks like my savegame is broken again. Yesterday I was traveling to Hoover Dam, because I wanted to make some screenshots. There I realized that lots of barrier stuff on the rim was missing. First I thought it was removed with a patch due to performance issues, but then I saw that even all the power pylons and the metallstuff was missing. Checked it out in the GECK and there everything was fine... Oh well, it probably will have no influence on Lonesome Road, so I don't care for now. After the DLC release I can still start a new game, if I am in the mood for it.
  19. Getting a new Deus Ex game every 2 or so years will kill the franchise. I can not see how they will supply so much conspiracy without making it horrible stupid or illogical at some point.
  20. Lexx

    Libya 2

    Heh, looks like they found some german G36 'n stuff in Gaddafiworld. Illegal guntrade anyone?
  21. I am through the game now twice and never had there been the situation where I got trouble in whatever kind of way because one knocked out dude was revived again. In fact, I still used his body to lure his friends over, so I can tase them down as well. Works very good and it gives me more xp than killing, which is the point. Killing - for me - is totally useless and inefficient, because I am either hiding the body well enough or if someone else saw the body, I knock him out as well. No need to waste xp with killing, in no situation. That depends on how you play. I was mostly lethal and did most of my killing with a silenced pistol and enemies rarely heard my victims. Of course it depends on how you play. But the nature of men is to farm as much xp as possible, especially if it's so easy. I stopped this behavior after I had maxed out all the augs I needed... which is too late, imo.
  22. And suddenly you're at the Mass Effect 2 illusive man end-game screen and EVERYBODY's bitching like there's no tomorrow. Since, apparently, if you get mission based xp, it's "no longer and RPG!!11one" Probably. A bit sad, though. But then again, I personally never saw DX1 as a rpg. It at least never felt to me like one.
  23. Another alternative (for a new game) would be to not give any xp for killing / knocking out enemies at all. This could actually solve quite a lot of DX:HRs problems. If players only gain xp from doing quests and exploring, they aren't forced to deal with enemies in a certain way to max out the possible xp reward and the designers don't have to care about balancing out the xp rewards for dealing with enemies, etc.
  24. Imo, typing in a password instead of hacking something should give you at least 100xp as well, to make it at least a little bit even. I am close to the end again and *now* I begin to use passwords to skip the hacking, only because I have lots of praxis points anyway and another few will not make a change. Also killing people from the distance should give more xp as well. I know that it is easier to kill folks from longer range instead of sneaking close to them and taking them out--- but it's not like the later is very hard as well. It kind of forces you to go into melee, else you miss out too many xp, like it was written in here already. Additionally, I would change how melee attacks are working: Lethal-attack should be totally silent and the non-lethal attack making the noise, to balance things out. I mean, seriously, why should I kill people in melee if it is loud and if I can as well just knock them out and probably get more xp for it? Yes, yes, enemies could revive their knocked out friends, but be honest: How often does that actually happen? Not a lot.
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