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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.eurogamer.net/videos/deus-ex-hu...volutions-world Luckily, there's more to it than just shooting, there's talking to people and hacking and stuff.
  2. Take them, please. The bitter tears that will ensue will be glorious
  3. The Brits are cool, once you remove the English and Scots from them
  4. Heh, sad that when describing it to coworkers I said the guy wasn't 'gibbed'. Priceless reaction from them though. Sucked for some people, pretty sure some pedestrians were pretty close to the impact. Well, assuming they weren't buried in their smartphones anyway, heh.
  5. Some guy jumped from a building nearby work, 15th floor or so so his body's largely intact. Interesting start to the day. Heh, reminds me at my first job, outside the lunch room window we could see a guy that got shot at a nightclub. For some reason the cops left him in his underwear in 40 C weather for about 6-7 hours, was all bloated and what not.
  6. It's never a good idea.
  7. How many shooters have they made after Crysis 2 ? Decided to finally play the SP of OA, still in the middle of the airport fight though. Editor is pretty powerful, although I've made some really screwed up insertions if you give a Full speed waypoint after the Unload, chopper tilts fully, noses into the ground and explodes. The explosion seems a bit off though
  8. I swear far too much. My current tactic is to make up swear words that translate to the actual English one but only I know that, either that or try to be less angry.
  9. Ah come now it's not THAT bad. The tutorials are decent enough to know what to do as a basic grunt. Squad command and up seems to me it'll take more practice and study but ah well. The editor sure is fun, although I'm amusing myself by making rather one sided affairs as the CDF/USMC pound insurgents into dust with air power
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzVWcUKi3p4...feature=related
  11. One day Obsidian will do it right.
  12. Seein BFBC22 at that price made me laugh. If only I had waited 2 weeks, ah well. Arma II's off too, so I got the Combined Ops.
  13. Got Divine Divinity from GOG, figured what the hell.
  14. Didn't regret buying Witcher 2, got good enjoyment out of it. Definitely not going to play it again after seeing each side. Anyway, I doubt Bioware will "screw" up ME3, they're not total fools
  15. Arma 2, fun with the editor.
  16. Malcador


    Megadeth - A tout le monde
  17. Just Cause 2 is slightly tempting at that price.
  18. Gearbox could have made a Blade Runner game Random bit of news. I did like Westwood's game back in the day, replayed last year found 2 endings I never even knew were there, heh.
  19. Day off, supposed to start cleaning the house as per parents' command but...they're all asleep. And I made a nifty spreadsheet too with times and zones for each person to clean. Bah, organization is useless around here. Started on laundry so, not wasting time.
  20. Number 9 on that list made me laugh, but ah well. Google's sure got good returns with the "Do No Evil" scthick. Anyway, seems interesting, but I'll wait until people I talk to go on to that before giving it a look see.
  21. That's not really much of a reason. Not that Facebook is amazing, but still would like to hear some backing for the claim.
  22. Hm nothing I've not played and am interested in, bahh
  23. USA's got it on lock down. Our men's team can blow a 2 goal lead in back to back years, but our woman's team can hang on. what a joke. Hoping for Germany, but they need to get it together quickly. France looks pretty good too. Now, with Canada gone, all I need is England to go home and then the tournament'll be fine regardless .
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