Dropped my dog off at the vet, starting a lovely day of rewarding work. Also this heat needs to go away, heard some imbecile on the radio saying "What you want 15 C and rainy like May ? This weather rocks". Dumbasses, 40 C weather with smog and no wind, yeah way better.
Well, I dunno, this 'legend' label is applied to Joyce. I never really got it, having suffered through Ulysses and the ego-porn of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Maybe it's some kind of self-perpetuating belief. One book we had to read that I learned to hate was Fifth Business. All this pretentious Jungian nonsense, pah!
Y'know GDI doesn't really have a cool slogan. I mean Nod's got "Peace through Power!" and "In the name of Kane". GDI's got nothing, well 'cept double barreled tanks and satellite cannons
Suffering in this heat, well when I'm outside. Pretty unbearable in my house too, upper floor gets disgustingly hot, damn lack of airflow. Supposed to be 35 C later this week, before humidity. Hmph. Other than, usual spacing out at work.