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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Suvived Costco. Swear if it's not damn families with their spawn clogging the aisles, it's the bros and ginos.
  2. Sell Florida, lose old people and meshbacks.
  3. My job for the night
  4. Ah head desking. That's pretty much anytime we get client issues. Sad to see what people work at banks.
  5. Space Marine trailer Epic.
  6. Yes. But again, that's not pertinent to failing to integrate, which was what he was mentioning. Similar situation in Toronto with Chinese, somewhat insular - but at least we get pirated DVDs out of it - although the City does bend to accomodate them, signage, services in various languages.
  7. How on earth is that relevant ?
  8. I wouldn't necessarily say so. Doubt people here act the same way when asking a question. Ask a clarifying question and then get "Why do you care about that? That's not the problem" as a response, heh. This playing with a knife at work thing is pretty cool though.
  9. There should be an edition with sunglasses.
  10. People don't do that for every game ? Hmm. I might wait 4 months for a potential appearance on the Steam Christmas sale. Got an 80 from OPM - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/31358...ew-8/10-in-opm/
  11. Expected as much from PCG, they seemed pretty in love with it during previews, even more so than the usual preview wankery. The "slight shift away from improvisation and wide open spaces" is interesting though.
  12. At 9 o'clock I have a gassy coworker that stinks from about 11 am to 5 pm. At 2 o'clock I have a douchebag that, when sneezing, just aims at the floor and lets it all fly downwards, 12 o'clock I have a giggly know-it-all. This is going to be a long day, .
  13. But Winehouse was funny!
  14. Eh, seems like too much effort to it. Ah well, minor point in any case. I guess this game is shaping up to be the GOTY for the 6 weeks post release?
  15. Woo. Damn the PC's voice though, heh.
  16. Wish we could do it without the enclaves though. As neat as it is to walk into an area with store signs (and street signs - which I find stupid) in Chinese, Korean or Cyrillic. But like hangs with like, I suppose.
  17. Midtown Madness was fun, too. At least for a bit. In any even, nothing wrong with hating everything.
  18. That must have made Razor and SKIDROW sad.
  19. Ubisoft DRM is a success
  20. Eh, not here at least at least on little stuff like women wanting to play football with their hijabs on, or praying in a school cafeteria. Now try criticizing Israel...
  21. Still, would be a dull change of pace for them to do that.
  22. Well at least it'll have a gripping storyline.
  23. http://www.thestar.com/article/1031246--si...dards-on-terror Potentially interesting. Then again, this "editor emeritus" is pretty crap at times and only writes about issues pertaining to Islam it seems to me, heh. Ah the local paper.
  24. Not really, no.
  25. Death to Blonde Shepard This was a slightly amusing article, heh.
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