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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hm..seems interesting. Will wait for a Steam sale then.
  2. Receiving peer pressure to try Terraria, is this game any good in any of your estimations ?
  3. Achievement whores ?
  4. Well, he did ask the question.
  5. Well, a lot of people do that anyway, no overtime But I agree with the point.
  6. Maybe play stealthy, less movement hiding behind coveniently placed boxes and machinery, that might help, well if you're going to be playing a while. If it was the colour scheme - well, could always watch a LP and gauge that. Would be a good way to start a rage post though - "This game made me physically ill!!....."
  7. Got two. Nice to know they care for us banned folk
  8. The colour scheme ? Or just some FPS induced nausea ?
  9. Always a point for waiting for Steam sales Very principled for you to want the pub/devs to get the cash though.
  10. The Manual
  11. Hands on Tribes : Ascend Seems interesting. Apparently only two weapon slots, the disc thrower is bad and skiing is too slow, from some unofficial feedback
  12. Did you get any bonus out of pre-ordering it vs. getting post-release?
  13. I wish I didn't play 16 hours straight while listening to 'Rollin'' by Limp Bizkit. Hearing that awful song gives me flashbacks of Raindance and Broadside
  14. Never time to stop playing Tribes, only about 50 of them last time I checked. But is nice to see games having a long life.
  15. Probably like Tribes 1 at this point, the only ones left are the insular super hardcore ?
  16. Hah, no. But that is interesting, who knew they needed mil-spec pens.
  17. Always love the snark you can get for not automatically being interested in an Obsidian game, heh. Still pushing on in HoMM3, also might give I-War a go, not sure how well that works with no joystick.
  18. Malcador


    For some reason came across this - Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Really dig that rendition. Also Dio Sings it
  19. Nah don't drink, just going to spend the night with the family and dogs.
  20. Celebrated my birthday today. Got pens and shoes, nice pair of Eccos too. Also watched Arsenal's first game. Wow, great refereeing in the EPL
  21. Really ? Sure are scraping the barrel for media items here
  22. Wouldn't say it's condoned. Here you see the teeth gnashing and fist shaking at the mere mention of it, and other places you get the requisite words, scum, thieves, entitlement culture, etc. So it's largely an upopular choice for gamers. DRM as an excuse is dumb, I agree.
  23. They're written by game reviewers
  24. There's also his voice.
  25. Well, ideally we should always look for the negatives, if there's little wrong well then the game's good, right ?
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