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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Eh, not my fault they're dumbasses that rush in a door and magically get their foot trapped. I'll have to watch for him though, good opportunities to be snarky within a 14 day window. Does remind me, should take a day off work tomorrow. 48 C with humidity forecast, not looking forward to commuting home in a streetcar with no AC in that weather, heh. Torontonians have not yet discovered what soap or at least what deodorant is.
  2. Hee hee. Lawyer got stuck in the revolving door again today. I know this cause he works in the firm on our floor. Didn't take to kindly to my guffawing at him, said some very mean things to me. Sadly, he got out before they needed to summon the firemen to extricate his suited self. Fourth person, when will they fix this damn door, I wonder.
  3. They really should make another Nexus type game. The PC sure was a pervert in his journal too.
  4. You should have compiled a list of everything in the thread then made a new one. Or actually, I could do that. I have spare time always!
  5. Yeah well. Your mother! I'll have to try GC though, yet another game I never got around to playing due to being broke at the time.
  6. You shill.
  7. Dropped my dog off at the vet, starting a lovely day of rewarding work. Also this heat needs to go away, heard some imbecile on the radio saying "What you want 15 C and rainy like May ? This weather rocks". Dumbasses, 40 C weather with smog and no wind, yeah way better.
  8. Modern Warfare 3 headsets Found that pretty amusing. Also, somehow I managed to do that completely backwards. Go me.
  9. They don't exist. Maybe ?
  10. Ah, resonance.
  11. Well, I dunno, this 'legend' label is applied to Joyce. I never really got it, having suffered through Ulysses and the ego-porn of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Maybe it's some kind of self-perpetuating belief. One book we had to read that I learned to hate was Fifth Business. All this pretentious Jungian nonsense, pah!
  12. Well, we're not there yet.
  13. Maybe tired of BS/stress ? Urge to try something new ?
  14. Malcador


    Bold as Love (Instrumental) Relaxing tune. Kinda wish I had some talent
  15. Ah, that was such a good show. Gaming snobs make Carmack sad
  16. I feel for your liver. Another pointless day at work here. I may spice it up by using a different pen today!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQwppPeiD2k NSFW text. His 'NOOOOOO' was pretty much me at the Carling Cup final
  18. Quiet, you mouthpiece of the Illuminati.
  19. Didn't Cameron's aide recently die at a concert, that was also not suspicious ? Spooky.
  20. Seeing that old Westwood logo makes me sad. So, how about derailment.
  21. Never played that (that's my project for the weekend then!), but does sound like something they'd give the Atreides.
  22. I never said that I willfully ignore the games, but carry on as you do best.
  23. The logo is cool though. Everyone likes eagles.
  24. Hm, police corruption is a big part of all this, isn't it ?
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