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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. F2P, I guess ? Never did play the first one, I imagine trying organized FPS play in a MMO setting must have been frustrating, heh.
  2. In game dialogue, hah.
  3. I think you meant that the other way.
  4. I'm amazed people pay money fo Killing Floor. Played that on a free weekend, got boring super quick.
  5. Hm, still can't buy anything. At least I still get the discount, apparently, although the sale's done.
  6. Ah, the problem with standardized tests. Reminds me of the standard tests back in Trinidad for high school and university entrance, with teachers getting access to the test then taking large amounts of money from kids' families to give copies out. Gotta love my homeland
  7. Nah, just the British.
  8. What was that guy's name again, Neville something. Kind of funny how this thread's progressing, immensely amusing.
  9. Looks like their servers are kaput.
  10. Decided to get AI Wars, but sadly can't get the email giving me an access code. Amusing.
  11. It's more cost effective than the normal way! Well that and it sounded better than saying Ukranian girls are hot, hehe. Another pointless day at work, but at least I woke up thinking my alarm clock was yelling "Rendezvous with plane in 30 minutes!" for some reason.
  12. AI War does look interesting
  13. Decided on a Ukranian mail order bride after meeting up with a schoolmate and his sister. Doing pretty well for himself, is a manager at ATI, should try to get discounts off him
  14. GoG version of Divine Divinity is borked due to a blunder from Larian. From one of their status updates: Well then. That sucks.
  15. Stalker looks tempting.
  16. That's what gamecop...errr.. I mean....Probably because it's illegal still, no ?
  17. So that's one of them doing proper service then. Would have been funny to see the Queen say no to or otherwise shoot down the Canadians though, given the country involved I doubt anyone would care.
  18. Getting used to Divine Divinity. Not sure if it's an issue with the GOG version but get brutal slowdowns, probably a music issue. Seems pretty interesting though, was expecting a Diablo clone.
  19. Charles reached the position of commanding a naval vessel that took part in a lot of anti-drug operations. Andrew was flying helicopters during the Falklands war, and the more recent issue, Harry was out in the sandbox, and is due to be headed back soon. William is involved in a lot of search and rescue. So you class none of that as military service? The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh attended over 900 events last year. How many people of their age do you know who keep working with that sort of schedule? And that they'll pretty much be doing that till they die. Look at how busy the Queen Mother was right up until the end. I know about the ones who have served in conflicts, mainly was thinking of Andrew and Harry, the latter was probably more in harm's way than the rest and even then I'm suspicious as to how much they were in (it's good PR to be seen doing it, after all). Perhaps I'm a bit cynical about that. But the royalty does seem to get some respect, either that or significant portions of Canada are imbeciles right now - one example : Driving 12 hours to hope your daughter meets William =)
  20. Touchy. The military service bit was amusing.
  21. For some reason I assumed that was in Mexico before clicking the link.
  22. Sad case. Here's hoping several get strung up from all this.
  23. Read Herr's Dispatches as well. Still punching through Green Mars, at the conference part, a bit utopian for my liking but oh well. Still hate Hiroko's character.
  24. Based on his expression and that reticle, I'm assuming he's the product of some bio-engineering to make the Super Soldier. That seems like a rational assumption Also for some reason this came to me, Ronny Cox would have been a better IM.
  25. Would be nice to get a plain Jane NPC. Neat new models, well other than the musclehead.
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