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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, here's hoping it bombs and takes the studio with it. Wonder if the game is chock full of annoying dubstep too, hmm. Mind you, I'll have to play it now, don't play enough bad games.
  2. Eventually the PVP crowd will migrate to Republic, so it'll be the Alliance-Horde type thing in the warzones, I'm guessing.
  3. Major power wants to keep it that way, seems reasonable enough. Now, did Putin land that jet ?
  4. No, just football fans and pundits. Granted I look at Dutch, Romanian and Russian streams simply that I can ignore the commentators with greater ease. My team always gets the same yarn from them - need British steel, not won anything in 7 years, player X will leave, too many foreigners, etc.
  5. So will he be working on South Park ? Anyway, congratulations on getting a full time posting.
  6. Well, mainly so I can understand their football TV coverage as I watch their streams mostly. Shame I didn't bother to learn other languages earlier in life though.
  7. Civ V is a bit engaging now, the AI's erratic behaviour is a bit annoying as while I'd like to live in peace with my neighbours they continually want to kill me or love at random intervals.
  8. Interesting, sure you didn't end up in a partial premade ? Then again, you're Republic, they generally seemed better in PVP matches. Imperial side usually are rather scatterbrained - Huttball this can still lead to a win though, as it's a contest of who is more disorganized
  9. Well the poor victimized company does get brought up in threads for no reason, hmm, always funny how that works. It will be interesting to see if GW2 sucks any life out of TOR.
  10. Know a very tiny amount of French, 8 years of it in school and lost it all. Do want to learn German or Dutch.
  11. Have begun a conspiracy to bump off English football pundits (well ok, maybe not Alan Smith). Also have a day off today, best election bribe we've ever received from our provincial government - always nice to have a public holiday, although some people seriously argue against it as it costs us productivity.
  12. You mean all the time ? Welcome to MMORPG PVP
  13. I like smaller guilds where everyone's known some subset before the game. Our WoW guild was like that, was small, but we raided by joining up with another small guild. Which was nice as any annoying people they had, I just had to deal with during raids and am not watching chat in that case anyway. Today's my last day, managed to give away a couple of epic barrels for free at least.
  14. It was really weird how that seemed like a throwaway, had all the pinnings of some weird final solution of the Reapers to me. Either that or somehow the C'tan showed up. But yeah, probably not going to go anywhere with it.
  15. Way to go Gifted, now you've made him angry, heh.
  16. Hm, don't think that's it. The script for it is I guess I have to lose it assaulting a base, though. Well might as well try that today.
  17. Humans are always special, in the end.
  18. Still have never seen the one popup where your aide gets torched by the enemy as she was a mind worm handler.
  19. Maybe we'll get to destroy all the mass relays as part of some device to kill the reapers, a nice dark age ending.
  20. I need to replace my PC151 - getting ragged, that headset's got good reviews and a decent-ish price too. Will have to give that a look
  21. The Brits are upset again ?
  22. Well, great stuff to you so that's easy for you to think. I don't think they pissed half their fans off, but did get a general sense of disappointment with it from the CivFanatics forum. I did get that sort of vibe when playing it, 1UPT was a good change - carpets of doom > stacks of such (still think a happy medium would have been better, but whatever), city states, not so much. I'll give the expansion a go, was a sucker and bought the CE for Civ V after all
  23. Eh, will be interesting to see how the new guy handles it. Shafer got carried away with his Panzer General love or something.
  24. Well, the first two I like and found to be good. No reason this one can't be, I did like some of the gameplay I saw earlier, so can live with Max Willis.
  25. Civ V expansion announced Oddly, not excited by this.
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