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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pirated games are priced better I imagine. If this is true, best DRM ever - http://www.destructoid.com/ubisoft-drm-all...re-219823.phtml
  2. 3 months you mean ? I can see a significant drop once the free month runs out, but just a gut feeling. The game should survive, they had claimed 500k would be good enough, I can see it holding on to that many.
  3. Demo out on the 14th
  4. Wikipedia has been a winner ? Why is Wales begging me with his huge face all the time then I'm not sure how the opposition to SOPA is relying on petty insults, though. The search engine and DNS filtering is a bit much, the latter you'd think would push ISPs to start policing all access.
  5. Leave Bioware alone! Went on a funny excursion to what I thought was the nearby point of my class quest's endpoint on Belsavis, heh, north through a tunnel, out through another one, along a road into another tunnel, around the edge of a pit of lava, through another tunnel, through a jungle, then finally into a tomb. Rather nice scenery though. The delay in using abilities is brought up constantly, I'll have to assume they're going to fix that (as well as fix the UI and GTN).
  6. Women actually get snarky over holding a door ? Always thought that was some myth I hear on /.
  7. Looks like Ilum is getting the keep trading WAR had, heh. Should give PVP a go, other than getting ganked by the rare Republic characters, haven't had much of it.
  8. Talking about Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy came up with a rather funny conversation with friends "So he's trying to determine their...moleness" "Moleness? So their...molarity?" "Yes. he's Avogadro hunting moles" "Would be better if it were set in a concentration camp" "Yes, as they're making the final solution" Other than that, customer is at sea today. Need something 5 days, when it needs about 30 or so to achieve safely.
  9. Going bonkers trying to identify a song I heard in an ad, my sister luckily got a audio recording, but not a very good and long one. But going on that trying to feed this to programs to spot it, damn voice over messing it up too. Audio clip is there. Now I camp the TV waiting for that ad to come back on, ahhh the ways I waste my time. 01_Memo_m4a.wav
  10. Yeah, it's cool having your alts be related to each other. But I guess we'll be getting XP perks or something along those lines (wish the commendations were BoA though). Heh, remembering Cademimu, I wonder if Bioware was just trolling people with that elevator that stopped on 3 floors before the one you need to get to.
  11. Druids with Christopher Lambert was on TV. Just...wow. I did like the needless 45 degree tilting of the camera when the 'legion' is marching.
  12. Have to wait for my friends to catch up, I'm 44, they're 40 and 35. So good enough time to roll a new class (and RE barrels in a vain attempt to get an epic one).
  13. Err, what are you on about exactly ? Maybe use of 'rather' was poor, but I did like and enjoy the games enough to play through it and the expansions all twice on different difficulty settings. DoW 2 does try its best to portray the Tyranids invasion as a hopeless no-win scenario, although in universe it'd be one failed campaign (I guess the assumption is IG units elsewhere and holding the line).
  14. I rather enjoyed the DOW 2 games.
  15. Did Cademimu and Boarding Party, I must say the former was so dull, especially after Hammer and Athiss. But Boarding Party was pretty cool, if only for the intro bit of kicking down the door.
  16. That'll be fun, sitting in fleet, spamming general with LFG. Memories of UBRS runs.
  17. http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/323/index/8975536
  18. Trailer for the new FP
  19. Well that's good news that CD Projekt has seen the light.
  20. Thought everyone loves Legion, those crafty AL boys are behind everything (soon we'll find out an AL operative posing as Horus Aximand lowers the shields to let the Big E on the Vengeful Spirit...) They are a mixed bag, to be honest, I liked a suggestion where they have silver and gold covers, the gold ones move the main plot of the Heresy along and the silver ones have the ancillary stuff like Lorgar's fall, or DA origins, etc. Also Fionvar - hardcore.
  21. Well was going for that, might as well read it, have gone through Battle for the Abyss after all. The DA HH books get people's ire, I found them to be passable, but I like the DAs.
  22. Working with clients I'd feel happy about stabbing in the neck is still proceeding, or not, apparently a signed contract is only a suggestion to them. But at least there's no shortage of things to do. Browsing some books today, going to get a nice big haul, 2 WH40k HH books because I've bad taste, and maybe a couple of Forsyth novels and looking for a Roman history book as well.
  23. Wasn't that in beta ? I'd also like some sort of commendation exchange too (or maybe have them BoA, so your alts can benefit from your leftovers).
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