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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. And kill that whiney kid, too.
  2. Saw The Warriors, wasn't too bad for a story of nine guys trying to commute home
  3. You loser, get some friends to play with online. Is a shame it went F2P.
  4. That sounds pretty cool, means there'll be a need for those sneaky lights (and teamwork, but that never happens online )
  5. Not missing much, after Black Talon (on Imp side), the FPs might as well be WoW ones - none of that neat dialogue and their rather dull, at least Hammer and Athiss.
  6. Yeah, seeing that makes me wonder why they've shut the door on a LFG tool.
  7. Have to meet some douchebag client today and endure him whinging about our sucky (albeit 2 versions behind the current one) product. But on the bright side it's Friday! woo
  8. Haven't done any heroics or FPs, not going to PUG it, so have to wait for friends to catch up. Have had some PVP, ganked two, got ganked once. Played some huttball which is..rather crap as a sniper due to LOS issues with the map. Companion got a quest to find her long lost friend that helped her escape from her backwards world...and it's bugged for me as I can't enter the instanced area, heh.
  9. IA Act 1 boss is frustratingly buggy with an LOS issue. Second time I had that, first one was in House Cortessa, two guys in an open doorway and no LOS. Possibly due to this door normally being closed and something didn't quite clue into it. Ah well, rather satisfying end to the Act, and got a sniper rifle that actually looks like one.
  10. Will be better than the other ones, at least.
  11. Yep, still sucky to see.
  12. http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/...-136653978.html "After Eley wrote the status, and commented further that she wanted White
  13. Didn't play that much the past year, that which I did, I liked a lot. Witcher 2, Deus Ex HR, Dawn of War 2 Retribution, and stuff off GOG like Broken Sword 1 & 2, Syberia 1 & 2, TLJ, Shogo, Ground Control.
  14. Pretty much. If I heard "our game" one more time, I'd flip.
  15. I must say offing the big terrorist in the IA line was a bit of a yawner. Should have killed him rather than let him commit suicide though, DS points lost.
  16. AP was fun to play, but I don't think it compares well to DX:HR. Oh well, maybe some day Obsidian will do it, heh.
  17. The Dianogas scared the hell out of me in Dark Forces 1. I should play DF2 again, that game had amazing level design - the fuel station, the aqueducts.
  18. They really need to fix that AH UI.
  19. I'll believe that when Netcraft confirms it.
  20. I like Alderaan as a planet, rather nice visuals, especially after Tatooine. Heh, had heard the latter was some STV-esque warzone, no dice on that. Good to hear the endgame's not actually that bad, had heard it wasn't all that fun.
  21. Yeah, and boy is it tedious without a speeder. Kind of burned throught it just now on my IA, heh, did get a funny moment where I held a crook's wife hostage, shot him while interrogating him and then disposed of him and his wife after. Companion chimes in with "Nasty. Well, they didn't have kids. Shall we go?"
  22. Deus Ex HR is a decent price too.
  23. Hm, Nar Shadaa's not as enjoyable a zone as Balmorra, layout and travelling is rather annoying at times. Starting it at level 23 at least makes most of the content simpler.
  24. Rather typical Friday, looking forward to the weekend and not having to see my coworkers for three days. Will have to deal with all the New Year's garbage (family seem to like making something of it), but a good chance to catch up on sleep!
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