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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dcRmvNYp4s Wish I had the hardware for this back when I played.
  2. Carrot muffin today, an exciting change from the normal blueberry muffins I get where the blueberries are distributed in a non-uniform patten. Haven't seen the sun in a while, seems to be affecting my mood lately, as well. On the bright side, I got a new pen today.
  3. Still GK3 and into the Dan Brown territory, funnily I'm enjoying the puzzles with Sidney the best so far.
  4. I doubt it'll differ at all, then again with no DRM to break, not really worth a scene group's time, perhaps.
  5. Meh, it'll be no different from pirating any other piece of software either in how "bad" the people doing it will be or how much it'll be pirated, I guess.
  6. Well assuming they don't use a third party solution, or develop something in house that's used for many games.
  7. Some of them are useful, like for target practice.
  8. COD 4 was fun for those moments with the infinite spawns, or at least I recall them seeming like that - the mission just before the nuke goes off had me trying to clear a two story of Generic Arab Warriors only to just give up and Rambo it. Firing up Ghost Recon 1, amazing how tense I make myself in this game.
  9. Don't see what's confusing about it, Tories have been all-in for Israel for some time now, I guess it's partly ideology and partly that they're in someone's pocket, heh. One thing though, don't think I'd dislike any MP more than Baird just by looking at him.
  10. What the hell man, pasting my PMs in the forum ? Bad form! Elevator at work decided to deploy the brakes after I got on, that was an exciting start to the day
  11. Well, if you're given 5 million copies sold, not being used then a 95% piracy rate would reach a pretty impressive number.
  12. At the early stage of development, I'm not seeing much of a problem with the updates being backer only or having the updates not on the Kickstarter page itself (which he has an issue with apparently).
  13. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/11/28/the-kickstarter-successes-where-are-they-now/ He seems really upset with the projects only updating their backers so far, heh.
  14. That one isn't too bad
  15. Spent a good bit of time with Borderlands 2 and XCOM so will have to go with one of those two. XCOM's 'meh' after a while, which I still cannot explain, might nudge it out of the running.
  16. Good bit of vicarious drama with my friend from University and his adventures in online dating (making some progress on getting him to just be happy being single ). Another reason my job rocks is my sending an email asking for clarification to which the client responds with "Correct"..which answers nothing, hmm.
  17. Why bother when you can see just as well on Youtube. That does seem like a good idea. If you're really curious for the plot points rather than the shooty-shooty bits, anyway.
  18. Friend did say a gamepad was a lot better for SD than M&KB, I personally had no problems with the mouse.
  19. How'd you manage to forget that ? Well congratulations on another year down
  20. Syberia 3 in development, for real ?
  21. Figured GTA 4 and Just Cause 2 are worth those prices so nabbed them
  22. He looks almost thoughtful in this photo. Even if the thought is "where is the food".
  23. I would play the Sims, but then I end up recreating my own life in it. And that's too depressing a sight.
  24. Malcador


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