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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Eh it has flaws and they're not 'hating' on it as they can at least say why they dislike it, don't recall much of the way of frothing about it here, but oh well. I'd mainly see the combat being twitchy and stuff like the inventory, QTEs being things people would have found off putting - that last boss fight was rather annoying to me. I enjoyed it overall, am replaying the EE right now off and on. The map? That's the only puzzle I remember being bloody annoying. Edit: No, wait, just remembered there was some puzzle of ultimate braindestroyer at the end, somesort of chessboard or something. No, the cat hair mustache puzzle
  2. Ah GK3. I've reached 'that' puzzle.
  3. So I guess not everything in Australia will kill you instantly then.
  4. Come now that's just silly. No way it'd get PEGI 3.
  5. Woke up late, but hey sleep is nice. Now a long day of cleaning ahead.
  6. Did you toggle the option to turn 'difficult' QTEs on/off ? I forget which exactly those turn off, I think it leaves the boss ones on,but those aren't too bad.
  7. Hope you get decent hours for the price, heh. Was fun but kind of brief for me.
  8. Hm Deponia is also tempting at that price. And surprise, Saints Row 3 on sale.
  9. I'm using the same pen as you right now, funnily.
  10. Pretty low bar to jump over, though. Wonder when we'll hear more of SE's 'plan' for DX
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8Ks88-UAd0 The guy wearing the black wins points for style, but he should have been carrying two.
  12. Playing GK3, friend's out of town so no more SOASE:R for a while. Interface for this game is rather offputting, 3D doesn't seem that hot even for the time, but I suppose this was something from on high to the development team. Ah well, is nice to hear Curry as Gabriel again, would have been nice to have Remini as Grace but oh well.
  13. Well that one Palestinian getting shot didn't count as a breach so that's good.
  14. Well, they win out in a way when the IDF decides to sledgehammer Gaza. Civilians die, survivors get angry, rally to their banner as they are fighting Israel even if they're firing low quality munitions at them.
  15. Hm, tempting at that price. Wasn't all that taken with Civ V but G&K apparently was their attempt to fix things (stupid Shafer).
  16. Cheap is $5
  17. A few bugfixes? Heh, that too - nothing like losing two Ironman games due to those.
  18. For walking dead I'm more surprised you people are choking up over a game more than enjoying the QTEs I'd wait until XCOM gets cheaper, it's fun and all but just it feels like it's missing something to me.
  19. What hostility ?
  20. The setting/story being interesting to me is one source of enjoyment with RPGs, probably due to my starting off with adventure games mainly, heh. Just progressing and developing the PC skill-wise is also enjoyable as I enjoy tinkering with systems (probably why my first run throughs of KOTOR and Fallout ended up with garbage characters, heh.
  21. Heh, right.
  22. Spend more time in the Deep Roads. This was also good yesterday
  23. Hm, decent price for KOTOR 2.
  24. - Molyneux's back
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