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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Why a problem if they 'look' like assault rifles ? I'd imagine they could do a lot with regulating the after-market parts like grips, sights, tac-lights, etc. Or just treating it like they do a car, need you to pass tests, get a licence and have that maintained periodically.
  2. Don't forget the police. Well might be too late for that lot anyway.
  3. Kiss of death for it.
  4. Looking at the list of criteria I can certify that I'm a psychopath.
  5. Ugh Rainbow Six Vegas, death of the series But yeah those are good shooter games, forget if you die or just are 'incapacitated'.
  6. Allowing workers to commute so to speak was a great change in 4. Having nasty industries near the housing and the needed workers was annoying at times. Caesar 4 has a nice bug, where my city is too large and too many engineering posts resulting in the engineers doing nothing. So I have buildings collapsing all over the place while I redeploy stations.
  7. Well is a bit early, but have a good Christmas and enjoy the time with family or friends or whatever it is you're doing.
  8. Ghost Recon games are a steal at that price. Well the good ones
  9. Probably making their rifle less effective overall by doing that.
  10. Why not let your wife read that letter ? Does concern her after all. But yeah seems both sides here are pretty well dug in. Still let them send your kids presents though, involving them in the fight just leads to idiocy like in my extended family where problems sisters have gets passed on to their kids - so for example I wouldn't be upset if a chunk of my aunts or cousins died or got injured, etc.
  11. Decent price for NS2.
  12. Also don't go and shoot up your workplace or anything. My job just gives me headaches and the urge to cry, so I guess I'm lucky in that aspect.
  13. Get all the expansions for WC 1 and 2 and Privateer too. Neat.
  14. Good old game drama. Sucks about THQ, hope this all turns out well for Relic. Sucks for Volition, too.
  15. Could always switch your primary hotkey bar to suit a given situation as well, no ?
  16. Hey, nothing wrong with healthy paranoia. And it's not as if Canadians are friends to the US
  17. The business card scene is better.
  18. Well, don't really need to lock them to race, kind of boring that elves are the guys for archers and dwarves for heavy infantry. The day/night cycle with NPCs having a daily routine (or maybe more than one for variety) is a nice touch of detail.
  19. And they can sell clothes for it as DLC.
  20. Sleeping in and probably playing EVE.
  21. Heh, a fully automatic weapon in these things is probably less effective than semi-auto. Gun runs through ammo quick, I assume the likelihood of a jam is higher and it's less accurate. So if the guy is using a semi-auto rifle or pistol, he'll probably kill more than he would blasting away Rambo style. So, I think you all really want a ban on all guns.
  22. Eh, I've no problem with people collecting rifles or just having some on hand to target shoot, hunt or keep burglars and home invaders out of their homes. Some cases it's a need or it's just a luxury and everyone has those. Those US murder totals are lower than I though, was expecting 30k or more.
  23. Well, overkill for home defense, hard to say what is. A shotgun is probably more damaging to a person than a 9mm pistol can be, pistol's probably best for that purpose anyway. As for hunting, isn't most assault rifle ammo not suited for that, not due to obliterating the animal but being too weak (have heard a .223 round isn;'t enough for deer hunting) ? Not as if you're blasting them with .50 rounds. Most do seem to argue for a total ban as they just don't like guns. Laughable idea to implement in the US now, though.
  24. Job's that terrible ?
  25. Hm, only game I played that was different really was GW2 and that got rather repetitive to me, regret that purchase, but the public quest and event scheme was good though. Rift, WAR felt similar to me when I played them.
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