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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Already redeemed by someone, that went quick.
  2. Does anyone want QFG 1-5 ? I got the keys from the KS, but forgot that I'd already bought them on a sale so... Anyway, send me a PM if you're interested.
  3. What we need to do is get his had on here to give the other side.
  4. Well failed to get to bed early, ended up playing WoW with my buddy, heh, still find it funny he's the dean of a college at the major university in town. People on TV seemed really excited about Tuesday, though.
  5. Nah, it'll never die. One of those people always puts it back up as it's a key part of their experience.
  6. Shop on Steam because it has achievements and you can message people. Well, that's what I usually hear. Oh and there's no need to manage install locations or patch yourself, as that's pretty tricky.
  7. Didn't see it specified by any binding authority that it was a game released in 2012, first time I'd played those games was this year.
  8. Hm, probably will go to bed 11-ish or so. Lot of chores to do tomorrow.
  9. Another day of no one being around so progressing issues is a no-go. And not even anyone fun around to chat with online to pass the time, friends are all off having lives and doing fun stuff. Meh to New Year's.
  10. I wonder if that 'search as you type' feature is toggle-able, caused it to seize up and die when searching a 1.2 gig log file Does look a lot more nifty than NP++
  11. Mostly WoW still, friends and I going through old raid content we never got to play due to our guild being small and our raiding alliance well...being bad at raids
  12. Wasted yesterday doing nothing, so just a lot of the usual chores and such this week. Kind of loathing the return to normal on Jan 2 or so.
  13. Well, schemes that need an internet connection all the time to keep playing the game or just launch it is a bit too intrusive and rather flawed - one point of failure and that game you 'own' you can't even use. For Steam, I guess it's that concern as well, I think Steam had an outage on Christmas morning for a couple of hours as an example.
  14. Wasted the most time with Borderlands 2, Civ 4, Diablo 3, Saints Row 3 and the Gabriel Knight series and the usual trolling myself with FIFA 12 and 13. Sleeping Dogs, Dishonored and XCOM were fun to go through as well.
  15. Slight practical issues with that shirt
  16. Well not driving a garbage truck around, but setting up a system is what's fun about some simulation games for me. Granted I'm terrible at it as my Caesar 4 cities will show you
  17. Oh I'm sure they do - for trains specially. Not so sure at who would want a Garbage truck simulator, but maybe that one entails setting up and managing a sanitation system which could be fun. Just that it was a funny thing on Reddit and some other sites to get the game and laugh at it being non-gamey or something stupid like that.
  18. Yeah a bit vauge, wonder at the 'Military characteristic' - I guess it being black or having rail mounts maybe ?
  19. I guess people are into them for a joke more than anything.
  20. Finished Caesar IV, barely. Kind of still want to play city building games so might go back to Caesar 3 or Pharaoh
  21. Watched The Raid. Pretty violent - see a kid take a rifle round through the neck in the first 20 minutes, but is a nice action flick.
  22. My google-fu is weak, been trying to track down numbers on that. Did find a list of active duty personnel by state, but that's just where they're stationed not necessarily where they are recruited from http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0509.pdf
  23. Why a problem if they 'look' like assault rifles ? I'd imagine they could do a lot with regulating the after-market parts like grips, sights, tac-lights, etc. Or just treating it like they do a car, need you to pass tests, get a licence and have that maintained periodically.
  24. Don't forget the police. Well might be too late for that lot anyway.
  25. Kiss of death for it.
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