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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Didn't see anyone actually complaining about such.
  2. It's the usual game of ask, get a BS response or a lie. Kind of like how we ask front line phone support why they want to work for us. Honestly it is because it's a job and money, but we want to hear they have a lust for the finance industry or some BS. Personally, I'd ask the Voight Kampff questions from Blade Runner.
  3. Have to love BS questions like those. The overtime one though, that'd be a bit of a flag if I was asked that. For fun, ask them about turnover. When candidates ask our interviewers here, boy do they squirm and try to spin it.
  4. No idea what an artist interview would be like. Try to remain calm and be honest in your approach to any problems they ask you to solve, works best.
  5. And there's your ground troops.
  6. I think the US has to tread lightly when it comes to making claims related to WMDs, they had a rather fun time of last time, after all. So that's why they're not being all in about this (and they shouldn't, really, need a good compelling reason to waste their money and soldiers' lives potentially for this). Of course, say the West comes in and yet again helps some losing rebels out - don't those clowns get access to that gas ?
  7. You need to widen your Internet browsing if that's the case.
  8. Oh, they're going to be on you now. Brace yourself!
  9. That was savage of De Bruyne to attack RVP's elbow with his head.
  10. So, prediction when Russia will cave ?
  11. Well gas can drift and disperse so rebels could move back in. But who knows really. Just really convenient timing, the UN observers arrive and ta-da gas attack. As for Canada, heh, ask what the US will be doing. Canadian troops can't go anywhere without the US (I mean that, Canada has no real strategic lift capability )
  12. Depends on being a big player enough though to ignore the world and get away with it, admittedly up to a point (that Izzard skit about killing your own people being ok vs killing other people). US can and does, Russia certainly like wise.
  13. There should be an internet petition in there, full of nicknames, just for good measure. Doesn't the White House have to address them if they get above a certain limit, think it was 50,000? It could change stuff!
  14. Yes, but you're ranking problems as they are in a society and I'd imagine a society with widespread corruption is a bigger issue (as it fosters abuses, etc) than a law nebulously banning gay propaganda. Well is pretty general and hand wavey, like what you people are on Oby for most of the time, so is low effort. Not seeing much point in endless iteration of that, either, bait is too obvious for Oby to take, after all.
  15. Well that's too fancy for me, I just sprinkle some Scotch Bonnet sauce on it and mix it up. Having leftover Thai food tonight. Excitement.
  16. If it turns out well I'll assume Nightshape did his work rather than waste time here.
  17. In that case, doesn't Russia have worse problems ? Widespread corruption, etc.
  18. You seem to enjoy defending them and the cold hostility of Russia seems more suited to your temperament than the sickening politeness of Canada. Well, I'm usually above declaring an entire nation of millions to be a ****hole or the people being vile, human garbage or some other of litany of bad names, as it's boring and lazy to do. Not sure you know much of my temperament, much as Bruce above here, anyway.
  19. Come on, you can do better than that, well maybe. But why should I move to Russia ?
  20. Tch, such negative statements about Russia.
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