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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Nothing worse than clumsy cheating.
  2. Granted I don't know many, but I've met a few of those brides when working with my mother. When I was cleaning the bookshelves at one place and told her why she looked absolutely perplexed. "Shelves get dusty...?" Well if you cover them with books, they don't. :D Or try to get air flowing across them, but really no one tries to manage airflow to that degree in one's home.
  3. re-volt will eat you alive. :D Oversteer ahoy. Granted I'm always terrible at driving games, but getitng better with a bit of practice.
  4. They changed that much ?
  5. I always liked Fabius Maximus just for coming up with the approach named after him where you wear down your enemy through many little cuts rather than trying for one big one.
  6. Russian women are great to argue with, though. Though the couple I know sure have a grimdark temperament.
  7. All hands meetings at work come close, no ?
  8. Being armed in a meeting means that meeting will be over pretty quick, so a good idea to me!
  9. Finding I am terrible at Raptor, shifting along to Re-Volt and Uplink. Well at least while I am at work. Funny bug in Re-Volt where the language selection does not indicate the currently selected language, so it took some trial and error to figure out how to get English picked, heh.
  10. http://www.gog.com/game/trine_2_complete_story Trine 2 for $5, impressive discount.
  11. Libya was a foolish errand, devil you know is better than the terrorist infested one you don't. Well, unless you kill both, but that'd look bad on CNN.
  12. All my FB contacts got married when they were 24-26, looks like the single ones have dried up. Also means 5 year marks approaching, get to see how my bets turned out.
  13. I'd be down for Dark Heresy - last time I played online we used ENWorld, worked ok.
  14. There's stuff worth buying on these Steam sales ?
  15. I don't have it. But I don't want to be your friend, so it's all good.
  16. People petition for all kinds of stuff.
  17. Who knows what the odds of one becoming an undesirable is, all it needs is some wacky lawmaker or some intelligence agency pushing the boundaries. As for social networking sites, lie heavily on them, it's a decent compromise.
  18. It'll be back on the Christmas sale, no doubt.
  19. Is the JSDF permitted to operate outside of Japan ?
  20. http://www.dailydot.com/news/4chan-stephen-house-fire-livestream/ Suicide on live stream, what a world.
  21. Raptor Call of the Shadows, is not a good port apparently but is still fun to play. Remember wanting this game badly but couldn't afford it so I just played the shareware version over and over. Starting Chaos on Deponia as well, the intro bit where Rufus sets fire to everything as they remind you over and over and over that he's a klutz as well as his humming some tune already has it on a bad path.
  22. Well, here's hoping they manage the money better
  23. Wonder why they didn't reach out to the people with sheep like following earlier!
  24. Looking good for my team now, as usual they will screw it up somehow, but eh.
  25. It's good to clear the air that way. Well, unless people start pulling weapons.
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