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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It will disappoint.
  2. Seems to wear some disc on it, but I can't identify it from a brief search.
  3. Pathetic Westerners with their tiny pins. I bet Putin wears giant Red Star on a gold chain. Well not really - but that'd be awesome to see.
  4. You British sure get set off by minute stuff.
  5. "Kanye West said he’s gonna be the next Nelson Mandela. Let’s start him off with 27 years in jail," one follower wrote"
  6. No platitudes Malc, just conviction and sincerity. He made many good points, I strongly recommend you watch his speech. Its not long and is absolutely compelling. You should hear how the crowd loves him. Yes, conviction and sincerity from a politician.. I'll catch his speech now, but I doubt it'll be that interesting - mention something about Mandela's greatness, his example and some other fluffy stuff about hope, I'm guessing.
  7. Bugs are more impressive in space.
  8. What platitudes did Obama say ?
  9. Heh, some cop bought it here that way. Was funny to hear them say he was ejected from his cruiser and that was all - lucky his unsafe driving didn't kill anyone, might have hurt his hero status. Yes but we aren't necessarily talking about speeding, we are just talking about going maybe 15-25 km over the speed limit. I don't see why you should get fined for that ? So what is speeding according to you ?
  10. Elite maybe not. But X-Wing and WC were pretty darn simple. Not seriously thinking that this game is for console untermensch or something like that from that quote alone, just found it funny.
  11. Sounds like a good party. For ours it just descended into a bunch of lushes arguing about our crackhead mayor after I left (they hit up a bar as well..we were only permitted one glass of wine )
  12. Don't confuse an improvement for everything being good. Plenty of people still living in poverty or in violent areas. Somalia is a bad example, the 90s weren't kind to that place - apparently no functioning grid since 1991.
  13. Interesting looking game http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/12/09/first-look-no-mans-sky/ Hmmmm..
  14. China has an advantage - http://www.businessinsider.com/nationalist-newspaper-puts-positive-spin-on-chinas-smog-problem-2013-12
  15. Man kills self to avoid another shopping trip
  16. Dull day. Was a good football game yesterday, if only this had gone in
  17. It's better for the people that matter.
  18. Definitely wouldn't be a WW2 era torpedo in any case.
  19. Dune Messiah was a book ? I found everything up and including God Emperor enjoyable to read, learn a bit more about the plan for humanity to live and the ghola's initial reactions were amusing. Heretics and Chapterhouse do get really strange. Still, nothing anywhere as loopy as the BH&KJA stuff.
  20. Oh ok, I was under the impression they got the BS1 actress.
  21. Just have a funny image of my head of them thinking of getting hold of some poison they use to put down dogs and then killing the soldier with it. Humane, after all.
  22. BS5, it is pretty to look at and good to hear the voices, though Nico's changed a bit (or just that the audio quality has improved over BS1). Getting some weird bugs with the dialogue system where I changed the state of an NPC then he changed back from that for no real reason. Early into the game, though.
  23. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/10496634/Lee-Rigby-case-Muslim-fanatic-said-he-killed-soldier-in-most-humane-way-he-could.html
  24. No, you made the controversial claim, you better back it up. The point is that our cultist colleague has identified the only drawback to the banning system - that it permits those subject to bans the opportunity to adopt revolutionary chic. Maybe this is the reason why Fio is so reluctant to actually ban anyone. Cultist's cries of martyred integrity become a little less heart-rending when you understand he could quite easily say what's on his mind. He just knows that ban or not he would be shredded like fresh lettuce. Not by the mods, but by the ordinary members. Or maybe Fionavar is just sensible about banning people. Never know.
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