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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pah women, a distraction from coding and gaming! Fielding a client that's gone on into full on toddler mode - 'I see this number here, what does it mean?' 'Why is that way?' 'Why doesn't it match up with this number I see here?' 'Why is that?'. We have some that at least know what they don't know (or don't f'ing care all that much) but these ones that go rogue and try to figure stuff out on their own for some reason are the annoying ones. On the bright side, rage is waaaay better than caffeine to wake one up, I guess the increased heart rate helps for a bit.
  2. They'd be a great at a football match
  3. Going back to Raven Shield from Vegas 2 was funny, friend was complaining about the lack of mobility and the slower pace. I just liked leaning and being able to slowly open doors.
  4. Meh to the art style in the Broken Sword game, so far.
  5. Fan Expo going on, so lots of weirdo cosplayers around the city once again. Was funny to go for a walk and then end up behind the ticket gate somehow, didn't walk though any security or anything, but people's reactions was funny.
  6. I just had a salami sandwich. Dinner will probably be, as always, rice and chicken.
  7. I preferred Witcher 1's combat myself, that is a rarity, heh. I just prefer the fancy pirouetting with the group style (and the styles in general).
  8. Oh, well, I remember ETD being a name for an SR3 DLC along with all the garbage DLC they had for it.
  9. This forum's nosiness is reaching new heights!
  10. Think it was, supposed to be Enter the Dominatrix then that got put into a full game once they saw how SR3 went with the public. At least that is what I recall.
  11. ME3 left me wondering what was the point of ME2 in some areas. Was funny that the characters from it just show up to run the risk of dying for the most part.
  12. Fair enough. I've relatives I don't trust but my immediate ones I'm sure are there for me. Some of my schoolmates had mafia-like loyalty though. One dated a girl, his mother and her didn't get along so he told the girl to make peace with his mom or GTFO, she didn't so it ended just like that. And abuse is part of our workplace. I suspect this is why we have no women and high turnover.
  13. Hm, you have a high opinion of strangers. Helping some random person here would end up with you robbed or taken advantage of somehow or even if they dont that, fat chance of any return. Also, today I found out that guys don't like jokes about being whipped by their wives. But really, telling someone you have to ask her permission to go out drinking just invites that But wow, coworker got pissy.
  14. That was my point. I suppose I should just cease trying to be sarcastic. But, oh well, enforced civility is the rage these days.
  15. Thought that was everyone was doing already...
  16. Hilarious. And I thought the delusions of the IDT people was funny.
  17. Pretty much the case for me, as well. Ah well, I permit myself two bad purchases a year
  18. And is a knife to the throat if you get a really bad bug
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