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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. The Mandate doesn't have much hope, shame
  2. That's not happening anytime soon. As for publishers I'd like to just disappear - Ubisoft is mine
  3. Got Max Payne 3, $10 seems like a good price for it.
  4. Always knew my mom's advice of "Get off your sorry ass" was probably on to something
  5. They'll kill two lugers this time around.
  6. So I guess we are learning that anti-tank missiles can actually destroy tanks.
  7. That is one inappropriate soundtrack.
  8. Seems simple to me , he's describing an argument that because one dislikes DRM although it is due to risk of it being intrusive of interfering with one's PC that one must be pro-pirate and therefore a thief.
  9. Hm, nothing terribly interesting. Seeing 7th Guest there though, is a bit funny and selling at $10 before sale. NS2 at that price though, I recommend you all get - it's a really fun team shooter.
  10. Makes me want to finally play Raptor.
  11. Wait, why would someone that dislikes DRM defend him pirating ? Doesn't seem to naturally lead that way.
  12. Yeah, but usually those movies exist and aren't some urban legend. Highlander sequels, silly people.
  13. I wasn't being serious in it being justified or not on the basis of her voice being annoying, I hope you realize. As you say, what went on before the clip wasn't shown. What is the SOA, by the way ?
  14. What's so special about this forum, though ? As for the level of engagement, heh, see the UK Muslim thread ?
  15. Can understand it sort of - kids can make people lose their cool quite easily. Stll, just grab his shirt or ear or something, rather than that.
  16. She has an annoying voice - it was justified. Also, isn't it a bad idea to have two tanks just idling in a street with no infantry around, with two building adjacent to them ?
  17. Fair point, bad choice of words on my part as usual. Hopefully when black players come to Russia and lead them to victory the fans might be less hostile to them in general. Well ok, that is hoping too much - but performance can win over people, see Trautmann in Manchester.
  18. Ah ok, well I suppose them being racists is bad enough without them being hypocritically so.
  19. Some nice explosives on the ANH set
  20. I thought it would have been ei, myself.
  21. I must say, I disagree with this list. As for discussion about maturity, well, might just be a video game related topic - as opposed to books, plays, movies - rather than women vs men. Do always read a push on games as being serious or art when 'people' see it as a kid's medium. Either that or just the usual self-important crap I see on reddit constantly.
  22. Coworker is leaving the country for good, drinks tomorrow - will be interesting to see how many of the married devs beg permission to stay out after 6 . Moreso as he's more significant than the support untermensch like us that have been resigning of late. Also, ribbing the coworker with a "Oh geez, thought you'd never leave!" resulted in so many missing the joke (he and I mock each other often in fun).
  23. Well, this thread sure got lively.
  24. And I thought my postman chucking the box at the door was bad.
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