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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Only if you're fired at the end of the season by Chelsea.
  2. Your leading comment to the article seems to indicate they should spend their time elsewhere, though. Seems like that is just standard stuff for a government agency just about anywhere. I guess that's why everyone says private enterprise is the answer
  3. Not sure why their Orion plans exclude that as a possibility, but carry on.
  4. Well, what do you expect them to do ?
  5. Well that and posting stuff askew from the thread's purpose is pretty much SOP here.
  6. Looks like our drunken white trash mayor is still hanging around in Toronto. What's funny is - he'll get re-elected.
  7. So they made Lara's breasts a bit smaller, is that it ?
  8. Good...good. The deception is working.
  9. Eh, you are playing a game called Max that does not involve a psychotic white rabbit... I suppose it makes sense given his constant reminders that he is a has been and has slipped, barring his Miles Teg esque combat abilities in the games. I wonder what Brazilians thought of the game, though.
  10. How is the quality of the phone calls ?
  11. https://revolution.co.uk/news/2013/11/05/broken-sword-5-release-4th-december/ Dec 4th release date for the Broken Sword game.
  12. Cool video too http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KeWqAWAQIMI Nice to know everyone lived.
  13. Pathfinder maybe ? Listening to family drama while I try to tune them out. Might be productive and study something
  14. I like Neeson as the cop.
  15. Good to see Max is an idiot in Max Payne 3, two instances of cutscene stupidity so far.
  16. Oby needs to become a Youtube gaming personality like Yahtzee or something
  17. Well, you'd be right. He did like dogs, that is an OK thing to do. Heh, y'know it'd be funny if he supported a football team. Imagine they'd have to disband
  18. It's a fine art to ride the edge of the rules, wouldn't say he has more freedom than the rest of you as, well, none of you actually try it.
  19. Max Payne 3. The amount of cutscenes or times the game causes Max to switch to the pistol is a bit irritating. Still is fun to play, is satisfying to see the entry and exit wounds of your shots.
  20. Still happy over my team's win yesterday - 5 points clear, huzzah.
  21. All caps, or nothing.
  22. Puttering around with Arma 3 a bit more - will have to learn the editor properly. Made a little skirmish, was funny to finally see an OPFOR actually lead a jeep with an AT weapon, he missed badly though.
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