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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It's still a valid concern if they are being called for things they are not needed for as well as if the SWAT members are not up to snuff and disciplined, LAPD's is probably one of the best in the US, but some smaller city in Oklahoma may just let any cop wanting to be an Operator in. SWAT is just a weapon, you have to be concerned about how readily that weapon's drawn.
  2. While the article is true overall, come on, gear meant for war zones ? Flashbangs and a carbine or SMG ? Always wonder in these Swattings if any officer says "this looks weird." or if they assess the situation beforehand at all.
  3. Not too sure they get in chases that really necessitate camo, cops tend to not get involved in S&D missions or something. These cops looking scary and army like is inevitable - they need at least some of that kit, the rifle and comm gear (still think that dude has far too much crap on him), bobbies aren't much help in hostage rescue or a situation with shooters - SWAT was made for a reason. The concern really should be the use of the tool, SWAT in the US seems to get called for crap they're not needed for. But police in general seem to have a problem of valuing nuts over brains 90% of the time. Was looking around as to why they are kitted up so fancy, came across "SWAT want to look cool", so maybe that is it.
  4. Looking into running an irc server, should be interesting if I can find a decent host in Canada.
  5. Jeez, that cop has far more gear on that he needs. While the appearance of the cop doesn't really matter much for militarization - it's the gun he's carrying - not sure why SWAT officers look like COD fanboys rather than the usual image of guys in dark blue shirts with black tactical gear.
  6. Galaxy is open beta http://www.gamespot.com/articles/witcher-3-s-drm-free-platform-gog-galaxy-hits-open/1100-6427082/
  7. This is pretty funny to see.
  8. I guess these people were really hoping for this kind of reaction to their, heh, "event".
  9. The PQ games were pretty fun, SWAT is really unlike all the others so it is unfair to the series to use that to cudgel it with. SWAT 4 was a good game though and it would be nice to see a game where you're a cop rather than a counter-terrorist who doesn't need handcuffs.
  10. He is for rioters getting it, not third world countries
  11. Boxing needs Don King back.
  12. It's season in French.
  13. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32554371 Death of Gray is ruled a homicide.
  14. Yeah but given the #upforwhatever I just see it as you not being inhibited to have fun (as silly as that is for a beer, but that's the idea). Rather than it encouraging you to, well, get raped - it's you losing the no, after all. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the 'outrage' online over that though.
  15. That Budweiser fuss seems like people reading something that's not there, given the #upforwhatever on the can there too - I guess Nike's promoting rape as well
  16. Uh huh.
  17. http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/04/28/a-history-of-the-amiga-part-9-the-demo-scene/2/ Article on the demo scene for the Amiga, part of a series as well.
  18. Whoops, wrong thread for that.
  19. Allergies bothering me, too, stupid spring. PC parts shipped, except for the CPU - pft, figures - so that's something. Have to get stuff ready to migrate in the meantime.
  20. Ah was wondering when this scolding would show up, heh. Nothing wrong with making a bad pun now and then, surprised it was missed the first time around And I can't pass those up, even though it did come a bit out of left field. Rather surprised that made him flounce off, seeing how he's gotten stuck in in threads before. Moderators aren't our parents in that they serve as role models, they are just people who have to ban people and tidy up posts, so no need to constantly ride Gtfed1's ass about it. Ignore him as well, then. I suppose I just take a less serious view of an internet forum, let alone the OT forum for a game company.
  21. So the same crowd as every other day then ?
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