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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Patch in the next week or so - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-05-19-cd-projekt-red-tackles-the-witcher-3-graphics-downgrade-issue-head-on Also having my Nvidia driver crash while playing, very annoying.
  2. Well Velen sure has a lot to do, that I am way too low level for at 4.
  3. I think I got 350xp from one side quest helping the girl attacked by the griffin. Tempted to knock off all the '?' on the map but yeah, could do with XP for offing these monsters I find out there or restoring sites (that's a decent feature). Might also get some ingredients to make some potions, right now can make diddly squat.
  4. 1.1 patch for Cities Skylines https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads%2Fcontent-update-1-1-0-is-live-on-retail.856707%2F
  5. Well the lock on ability is nice. Heavy attack defaulted to RMB would have made a bit more sense, but otherwise yeah it's not really super fluid. Only played a little bit last night, wandered around and freed up some sites. Also got my ass handed to me by some ghouls, but I guess that was just due to me playing ballsy rather than Rollin Rollin.
  6. Looks nice on Ultra, though my PC is pumping out heat.
  7. New Nvidia driver for that proprietary stab at AMD users.
  8. http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-is-your-system-ready 1920x1080, Low settings GTX 960 1920x1080, Medium settings GTX 960 1920x1080, High settings GTX 960 1920x1080, Uber settings GTX 970 1920x1080, Uber settings w/ GameWorks GTX 980 2560x1440, Uber settings GTX 980 2560x1440, Uber settings w/ GameWorks GTX TITAN X, or 2-Way SLI GTX 970 3840x2160, Uber settings GTX TITAN X, or 2-Way SLI GTX 980 3840x2160, Uber settings w/ GameWorks 2-Way SLI GTX 980 or GTX TITAN X
  9. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-05-14-indie-dev-left-devastated-after-troll-ruins-its-kickstarter Heh, that's a brutal trick to pull.
  10. Probably because it became a 'thing' to do in the game, my friends who don't even play GTA always mention that when I speak of playing it. Also because you can - people are going to kill something if they are able to in games, after all I don't kill people randomly. I kill people who really annoy me but generally I stay away from killing civilians as it draws the police Yes, but that's you - some people just rack up bodycounts for fun now and then in the game.
  11. Probably because it became a 'thing' to do in the game, my friends who don't even play GTA always mention that when I speak of playing it. Also because you can - people are going to kill something if they are able to in games, after all
  12. I guess this is boiling down to the 'punching down' thing that is 'problematic' in GTA ? So blowing away homeless people, whores and junkies is bad but blowing away corp whores or mercs or cops is acceptable - that kind of thing.
  13. http://www.pcgamer.com/tom-clancys-the-division-delayed-to-2016/ The Division delayed, surprise.
  14. Not really sure what the warning was about after watching that, I guess EC's audience is soft ? OT perhaps, but Bruce was on about Hatred before. The comment about denying it a megaphone was pretty funny as well, given this game's coverage by people upset by the murdering or whatever. Does seem that a ban would fix his problem with the game, he does go on about it being sadistic and of no value and that people shouldn't buy or sell it, after all.
  15. Seems to be a really one way street there, though
  16. Hopefully Rockstar includes something like that in GTA6. Gotcha culture should be in bloom by the time that's on.
  17. Would this persist for the rest of the game or just the rest of your life ?
  18. Oh ok, sister said it was something they were spooked about. Security was pretty crap though.
  19. Don't watch SHIELD but saw the ending bit. Given that they are super scared of that black block, seemed like the security was pretty crappy, no ?
  20. Most games won't do that as it just impacts the fun of it if you accidentally off some 'innocent' NPC and now apparently the entire world is out for you, after finding out somehow. Perhaps it's also skipped as it may be tedious to implement and ensure it's not some massive bug waiting to happen. I think that most games I've played that allow you to kill people do have some sort of response set in - reputation loss or guards or bounty hunters. The idea of GTA having police want you forever because you killed some hooker is a bit amusing, goes against the spirit of that game But even so, no one is making you kill people for no reason or even incentivizing it. Certainly is possible, though tricky to complete the game in a 'clean' manner where you don't ice a tonne of innocent people. That entire episode was pretty weak, though I will re-read it, background NPCs are background NPCs and have no depth. Surprise!
  21. Sarkeesian's GTA commentary was pretty bad, that entire episode was fairly weak too with confusing permitting to encouraging.
  22. Educate them on better food choices and perhaps provide assistance for them to afford better foods via something like GMI or some sort of public food program. Or perhaps just focus on the kids and feed them at schools, can get 2/3rds of their meals managed that way.
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