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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Not really, you're, as usual, harping on people being illiterate morons when in that case it's understandable. Perhaps 'intense' would have been a better word. Or no qualifier at all, pretty sure everyone here is aware the backlash is what it is.
  2. Except the very reason for commenting on them is "the danger of censorship they present" or somesuch, innit? Or just annoyance at them Well, when it's as written it can go either way, no need to keep on the superiority crusade there, but oh well.
  3. Yep, but when you want to comment on them the results aren't as important as you're attacking or critiquing their motivations or characteristics alone.
  4. Gearing up to watch the Women's World Cup, hopefully Canada gets crushed.
  5. Don't think he is even stating Maciak is that kind of ninny, he is going off on a rant at them in the bottom part. He tries to parry Maciak in the upper. Seems pretty clear. And not that big a deal in any event. Gunpoint? Maybe. The amount of Twitter and tumblr people outraged over stuff can generate some pressure and noise these days. But I suppose the intention in attempt matters more than the results when remarking on them. Surprised you have an issue with his arguing style, too.
  6. Then I'm sorry to say, but you can't ****ing read. The article made no direct claims of racism on part of the game or the developers, nor any requests for content to be changed at all. Hence, "[the] perpetually offended do not just demand changes. They also shame developers for not catering to their own personal needs" is misleading if I'm feeling charitable, and outright false if I'm not. Ah, usual... Most of the article he is quoting Maciak. Will read it over once I am off mobile. You really doubt that about the people he is talking about, though? The perpetually offended does describe a crowd that does exist. I guess one can assume people crying over something want it changed and that it is a problem, though, else what is the point. It is the typical punching article, am not sure why it is up your craw.
  7. ...To have people of color. Hell, Geralt runs into a pair of them in The Sword of Destiny who are clearly mercenaries, and therefore should feel right at home in the war-torn North. Hence the grumbling. But I think people (on both sides) are blowing this far out of proportion. Then again, I thought the same thing about the transphobic backer content. Yeah but Zerrikania is a remote land and doesn't have close ties with the North. Different with Nilfgaard I think but we never go there. Kind of dumb for people to pout for the lack of some Zerrikanian standing around
  8. I don't know why you feel a need to defend a claim that's outright misleading at best. If you make claims of vaguely-defined "people" doing something, and inject a link to an article, it's at least suggestive of "this here article is an example of what I'm talking about". Is not most of the article, though. And isn't misleading, at least on my reading. Could do without sniping at them, but that's the rule of the cesspool this is
  9. Yep, is easy to look around and get in the mire of this though.
  10. Well he is right. I guess he is commenting on the whole fuss as well as the article that kicked this stuff off and not it alone. Which is fine for things like this. There is a set that will find something to be upset on other's behalf for, regardless of being GG or not.
  11. Heh, ok, so you're against condescension. Hm. Outside of Moosa there are some claiming CDPR are racist for this or espousing some white nationalism. And some of the harping over this trifle reaches that line. People love outrage, after all. Maybe Moosa will give some solutions, but not likely.
  12. Well when you use a game as an example of the "problem" it is a negative thing against it. Is pretty ridiculous but people have become freaks that invest in a random NPC too much (if not then, erm, who cares?). Oh I did get a good laugh about how the game dehumanizes non whites, though. Implementation wise, would be nice to hear what is acceptable for CDPR to "fix" this. End up with a checklist I guess. You seem pretty butthurt about it, heh.
  13. I guess it's a line of thought that all stereotypes are bad and you make people that don't match it feel 'less' of a member of that group (latter is BS to me, but I am trying to think up a reason ).
  14. That sounds pretty racist, man. Stereotyping black people..
  15. I got Sim City 2k for free, already have it - any of you want it ? (I shall rebel and not post in the giveaway thread)
  16. Need to show off hair works. Got a recipe for a lvl 35 sword, feh, will be done the game by then I am feeling.
  17. Predictable. Moosa even had a Twitter flounce to put the nails in his wrists for a bit. Good old Twitter CDPR can just release a quick reskin of a percentage of the NPCs to satisfy this crowd I guess. Nah, then they will complain no 'important' NPCs are non-white, hmm..
  18. Reporting for duty! Yeah, one shouldn't expect corporations to do the right thing, because... reasons. Regardless, I wouldn't hold my breath for legislation to fix this mess, because legislation is literally bought and paid for by the corporations it benefits. So I can't expect corporations not to **** me over, and I can't expect the Man not to **** me over. Hmm, that's nice. But not to worry, I'm sure that putting a piece of paper in a plastic box next year will totally change things this time. *thinks of puppies and sunshines* Putting brass in that steel container will.. (Not really, but that one liner feels natural at this moment)
  19. Was actually a terrible joke there But congrats!
  20. Hopefully you have frequent business.
  21. Heh, my company played some game to show there were no acceptable Canadian candidates by trolling job sites and just using the resultant dross as proof (we did get some good ones but conveniently they didn't pan out) so they could hire foreigners. I hate dealing with these outsourced places though, insane turnover so the people become faceless and they seem to have come from degree mills.
  22. Meant to be one of those 7.5 fl oz cans, perhaps. Good gimmick there, by the way.
  23. Well, amusing doesn't mean guffaw worthy, mind you. But what was off-colour about the jab, there ?
  24. Hopefully you survive the trauma. Was amusing and is a common dodge by those people on Twitter (can't expect much from that kind though )
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